* NEW MOON Celebration Saturday 27th May 2006
* Metaphysical Study groups
* YogaPlex Timetable yoga classes
* Streetwise Yoga Event aaaAAARRGGHH!!!!
*** Click Here to Book & Pre-Pay Events *** No Booking Fee! ***
*** Click Here for Yogaplex Yoga School Term 3 2013 *** or see www.yogaplex.com.au ***
Term 2 2014 Tuesday 22nd April to Saturday 28th June. 10 weeks $170 or twice per week $270. Unlimited $330. Casual price $22.
Join Anytime, Bookings Essential, book 03 9752 5838 or email gneo@yogaplex.com.au
Yoga Classes Hatha Hot Power Ashtanga with Iyengar Precision serving Yarra Ranges, Knox, Upwey, Belgrave, Boronia, Bayswater, Ferntree Gully & surrounding areas.
MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."
Naturopath . . . . . . . . . . Hypnotherapy . . . . . . Chinese Medicine . . . . . Yoga School . . . . . . . Remedial Massage . . . . Spiritual Readings & Reiki
Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details. NEW! Psychic Medium Classes with Trevor Evans.
Please Click on Poster Below to access & register on Facebook. Namaste!

Yoga Term Begins Monday 22 January 2018 @ 7pm.
Please email gneo@yogaplex.com.au for yoga news & ask for special offers.

Items for 2018:
* Holiday Yoga Thursdays 7pm 4th, 11th, & 18th January, call Nicky on 0488 333 139.
* Magpie House Cinema & Discussion Sat'days 7 for 8pm start, food to share, $10 donation. Begins 27 January.
* Spiritual Study Group Sat'days 4-6:30pm. Re-starts 27 January.
Vinod Prasanna's pre-Christmas Sound Healing was a sublime success!=

Summary of Events for December 2017, please scroll down for events:

Magpie House Cinema Sat'days 7pm from
24 November to 16 December 2017, click for 5-minute trailer:

What If You Could Prevent, Treat & Even Beat 32+
Chronic Diseases With Just 1 Plant?
Courageous New 8-part Docuseries Reveals How
The Sacred Plant Heals Cancer, Arthritis & More...
December 2017 @ www.MagpieHouse.com.au:
1. Sat'day 2nd December Music & Comedy End-of-Season Event, just turn up.
2. Sunday 3rd December Yoga Workshop, click poster to book.
3. Sat'day 9th December Kombucha Workshop, call Nicky on 0488 333 139.
4. Sunday 10th December Break the Drama Triangle: click poster for details.

End-of-Season Event, just turn up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Click Poster Above to Book.

Let's Get Fruity folks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Click Poster Above for details.

Please LIKE our Facebook page for the Very Best in Body, Mind, Spirit, & Yoga! see = Magpie House Facebook Community Page.
*** Click Here for Yogaplex Yoga School & Teacher Training 2017 or call 03 9752 5838, Join Anytime, Bookings Essential *** or see www.yogaplex.com.au *** for special discount offers. 8 Classes per week for the Finest in Hatha Yoga!
Meditation+Study Group based on Conversations with God material Saturdays 4-6pm during school term. For detailed information, or to join the Meetup Group, click poster or this link= Awaken the Species CwG Book 4 Study Group. Click 'Join Us!' or 'Join and RSVP' to join.
From here below, it's past 2017 events only. Namaste.
Adventures of a Geomancer: Alanna Moore in Melbourne:

ALANNA MOORE returns to Magpie House sharing Earth Spirit Divining as a skilled geomancer, teacher, author & permaculturist. 6:30pm registration, 7pm Sharp on Friday 24th November 2017, sharing:
* 'Wild in our Gardens' Original Geomancy-inspired music.
* Energies of Earth & Mankind, beneficial & detrimental.
* How Building Biology is needed now more than ever.
* Relating Adventures of a Geomancer!
Don't miss this Special Evening with follow-up day & weekend workshops before Alanna returns to Ireland! Bookings Strongly Advised: Email gneo@yogaplex.com.au or call 03 9752 5838 to book. Products & Supper available.
Where: Magpie House, 48 Main St Upwey.
When: Friday 24th November 2017, 7pm Sharp, 6:30pm registration.
Bookings: www.MagpieHouse.com.au
Cost: $15 pre-booked or $20 door.
Yoga, Cinema & Event Timetable for October 2017:
( *** Alanna Moore's Geomancy+Dowsing event is above *** )

RECENT EVENTS plus Yoga+Event Timetable for August-September 2017:
Springtime Yoga Backbends Workshop, click to book event:

Sound Bath & Unlock Dementia Event with 'Alive Inside' Cinema:

Alive Inside is a joyous cinematic exploration of music's capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. Sound Bath follows with Sound Therapist Elizabeth Anne Huxtable, both demonstrate music's ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it. Revealed is the connection we find in music & how its healing power can triumph where prescription medication falls short. An uplifting cinematic exploration of music and the mind, Alive Inside's inspirational and emotional story left audiences humming, clapping and cheering at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award.
Where: Magpie House, 48 Main St Upwey.
When: Saturday 14th October 7 for 7:30pm.
Bookings: www.MagpieHouse.com.au
Cost: $20 pre-booked or $30 door.
Check out 'Vision for Mars', & don't miss 'UNACKNOWLEDGED'!

UNACKNOWLEDGED Cinema is a related topic to the Saturday 4-6pm Study Group above, BOTH feature the disclosure of Extra-Dimensional Beings, currently ruthlessly suppressed. JOIN THE STUDY GROUP ABOVE, & BE PART OF THE 'AWAKENING'!
Yoga+Event Timetable for July-August 2017:

The 'NOW Clock' workshop, call Mir-I-Am on 0417 599 721 to book workshop=

(Recent Events Below): Click Any Poster to Watch Movie Trailer!=

Sat'day 17th June . . . Sat'day 24th June . . . Sat'day 1st July
Cinema Sat'day 17th June: The WATCHMAN CHRONICLES, A True Classic of Potent abductee research.
Cinema Sat'day 24th June: I AM, a REMARKABLE story of Tragedy, Awakening, & Transformation to inspire the human race. Multi-Award Winner.
Cinema Sat'day 1st July: SAMADHI: Maya, the Illusion of Self. . . . To realise Samadhi is to Die Before you Die. - Visually & Spiritually Stunning, & Spectacular! in HD video. END-OF-TERM EVENT, bring food+music to share 6pm - Compulsory for Yogis! - if you can make it. NAMASTE!
TUESDAY 4th July 7pm - $10 Early Bird pre-paid, $15 pre-booked, $20 door, Click for 2-minute introduction:

The world is on the precipice of major change unprecedented in history. There are 5 key major waves of change happening now:
1. New energies hitting the planet
2. Transition from old global order to the new
3. Imminent disclosure of ETs
4. Shift from old global financial system to a new one
5. Major number of people waking up
How does one navigate through such major changes, turmoil and confusion?
1. Nothing is as it Seems
2. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see
3. Develop and trust your inner guidance
4. Learn to transcend your 3D world and matrix
5. Trust in Divine Creator Source
Come and hear Richard share about the following :
* What is really going on in the world.
* How to prepare for the future.
* How to work on ourselves and our Transformation.
* How to transcend your limiting world.
* How to tap into Holistic Wisdom - ancient + present + future wisdom.
* How to make sense of the public confusion in misinformation & disinformation.
* Understanding the dance and interplay of light and dark forces on our planet.
* How to tap into spiritual abundance as part of Transformation.
* Light alchemy activation work on sacred sites around the planet and its implications.
Transcend your Limiting World = https://youtu.be/TIg0q_aH7ks
Richard has a wide spiritual and corporate background. He has been on a spiritual journey for some 40 years. Currently he travels the world with his partner Sian to sacred sites, doing light alchemy activations and firing up light grids. He has also studied ancient wisdom and how light and energy flows in our world and the cosmos.
Yoga+Event Timetable for June 2017:

FRIDAY 9TH OF JUNE 7:15 to 9:15pm (or from 6:30pm for delicious Lentil soup).

Miriam Seward has been working with personal and spiritual growth for over 25 years and has run an amateur theatre company working with ritual and spiritual journeys into empowerment. She works as a Self Mastery & Empowerment Facilitator, Archetype Consultant & Teacher, Kinesiologist and New Paradigm Healer working with the archetypes and parts of self . MirIAM has been an established professional practitioner and workshop facilitator with over 30,000 clinical hours and is the founder of I AM New Paradigm Empowerment (formerly I AM Power Enterprises. Visit www.iampower.com.au

Yoga+Event Timetable for May-June 2017:

NEW! for Magpie House, Lawful Awareness + Know Your Rights material, download these FREE Radio Show episodes (click to access & click 'Radio Show'):

Compare the Words of Christ, below the Banners below.
Click Banner below for FREE REPORT - We have a RIGHT to be presumed INNOCENT, defend any traffic fine you'd consider Un-Just!=

Email or Call 03 9752 5838 if you'd like to discuss your issue. Our 'study' material includes, "Allowing abuse to continue is abuse nonetheless. It is the HIGHEST abuse."
Never Blindly pay Fines, Fees & Taxes ever again, Represent YourSELF with Product Information way beyond the knowledge base of legal practitioners! Click Banner to Shop=

Email or Call 03 9752 5838 if you'd like to discuss your issue. Make a Life, not just a Living!
Don't miss Radio Show Tuesdays 8-10pm @ http://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ .
This is NOT a time to hide behind 'ignorance', we will NEVER be FREE if we do not acknowledge the Highest Authority in our lives - OURSELVES. "Only Divine Law is permanent...Human Law is always impermanent & derives 'jurisdiction' from ignorance only." - George Neo.
The Words of Christ, Luke 11:46= Woe unto you also, you lawyers! for you load men with burdens hard to be borne, and you yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. &
Luke 11:52= Woe to you, lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in you hindered.
Compare a small sample of Natural Law below, from our 2016 Study Group material (with CwG 1 page numbers):
2. You are "sure as hell" about a lot of things. But wouldn't it be nice to be "sure as Heaven?".
3. God talks to Everyone, All the Time. The question is, who listens?
32. God does NOT will worldwide calamities, but merely observes us doing so. We are therefore NOT victims, only Creators.
50. God's cruel hoax, or Nature's harsh ways, is a hoax on ourselves, & NOTHING is more gentle than Nature. It's Not Our Fault, we say, & we are Right, it is our CHOICE. The World/Earth/our Life is in the shape it is in because of US, the Choices we make, or fail to make.
89. We place ourselves in Hell to begin with, in order to avoid going there. Hmmm, interesting strategy.
141. There's still no guarantee of success. If we want guarantees in life, then we don't want life, its whole purpose would be thwarted.
Sat'day 10th June 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: COSMIC COMEDY of PERCEPTION

Explores the human energy field's dynamic relationship with our environment. A Randomly Roving Zone of Synchronicity & Statistical Anomaly. Should you be caught in it, it will turn reality on its head. It is objective & subjective, simultaneously 'Really There' yet somehow sustained by imagination & expectation. Returning to a world of magical empowerment & feeling.
Sat'day 3rd June 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: EARTH DAYS
Click Poster or Here for Trailer

Visually stunning, vastly entertaining and awe-inspiring, Earth Days looks back to the dawn and development of the modern environmental movement - from its post-war rustlings in the 1950s and the 1962 publication of Rachel Carson’s incendiary bestseller Silent Spring, to the first wildly successful 1970 Earth Day celebration and the subsequent firestorm of political action.
Sat'day 27th May 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: BEFORE the FLOOD
Click Poster or Here for Trailer

Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet. Captures a three-year personal journey alongside Academy Award-winning actor and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio as he interviews individuals from every facet of society in both developing and developed nations who provide unique, impassioned and pragmatic views on what must be done today and in the future to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
Sat'day 20th May 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: The SHIFT is HERE & NOW!
Click Poster or Here for Trailer

Connecting the worlds of clean free energy and the Extra-Terrestrial presence, an impressive array of brilliant sources define the daunting secrets of our unspoken reality & recent history. Subjects not discussed on TV or the daily news expose an old paradigm reality that had enveloped humanity for years - that is breaking down today.
We are passing into a new era of higher conscious humanity and advanced technologies. They do not include: gas, oil, fracking, pollution or greed. This shift of human awakening will heal the planet and everything on it in record time. We have become an unstoppable evolving species!
This movie takes you back in time to some memorable moments when ETs communicated with humanity, and we forgot. Prepare yourself for an evolutionary journey as we focus on the solutions that are here today. Clean free energy, water cars, 3D printing, organic food, clean water, healthy forests, and honest humanity once again.
Yoga+Event Timetable for April-May 2017:

Yoga Teacher Training + Bubble of Perception Magical Passes Sunday Workshop:
Sunday 21st May 2017 10am-1pm (Sunday 10am classes also feature Magical Passes practice & philosophy.)

Early Bird till 11th May: $40 for 3 hours. That's 20% off! Else $50. Answers To=
* What Is the Bubble of Perception? * Are we Born within this Bubble?
* Can we Break this Bubble to Be Free? _ _ _ _ _ * Can 'Psychedelics' Also Break the Bubble?
* Do 'Psychedelics' have drawbacks? _ _ _ . _ _ _ * Are Tyrants 'Master Illusionists' of our Times?
* What are their Modern Tools of Deception? _ _ * Is 'Looking Past the Illusion' a practical use?
* How are the Tyrants doing us a favour? _ _ . _ * Name the Tyrants' agenda & Bubble examples.
* Interested in a 'Petty' Tyrant workshop? _ _ _ * Is Life a Magic Trick, & Who is the Magician?
* Hence 'Magical Passes', a Path of Freedom? _ _ * And a 'Gift to Humanity? Keeps us Young?
* What is Sobriety, & why is this significant? _ _ * Is Experience, or Intellect, Alone, Adequate?
* How does this relate to Vision, & Action? _ _ _ * Is 'Superb Physical Condition' important?
* How does this relate to Yoga Chakras? _ _ _ _ * Relate 'Personal Power' to 'Secret Teachings'.
* How does this relate to Internal Dialogue? _ _ * Is the Mind a 'Foreign Installation'?
* Do modern Meditation & Mindfulness relate? _ * Is Magical Passes simpler, & more effective?
* Warriors' Feast follows 1pm, bring Food to Share. * And ENJOY! Namaste.
Sat'day 13th May 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: Truth, Conspiracy, & Media

With hundreds of news clips and declassified documents, this independent documentary film by Adam Green demonstrates the Mainstream Media’s propaganda campaign against conspiracy theories and the truth.
Sat'day 6th May 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: Buddha Life & Beyond

The story of Buddha’s life, especially relevant to our own bewildering times of violent change and spiritual confusion. It features great arts & sculpture, who depict Buddha’s life in art rich in beauty & complexity over two millenia. Hear insights into the ancient narrative by contemporary Buddhists, & His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Sat'day 29th April 2017 7 for 7:30pm Start: The Truth about Vaccines

Episode 7: Fundamental Freedom of Choice. If vaccines are safe, why did the incidence of autism increase from one in 10,000 to one in 150 after the massive childhood vaccination program began?
Sat'day 22nd April: MINDING the MATRIX - Thoughts, REAL-ised.

The mesmerizing world of slash & burn western society with tools to change this global reality, an expression of our Thoughts, Real-ised. Our external reality is an expression of what we have collectively created together and we consider this to be REALITY. Reality in this case means ‘OUR THOUGHTS REALISED’. So, yes, it is a form of reality indeed.
Earth is a result of how we treat ourselves and thus others.
‘Minding the Matrix’ looks at all this and hands the viewer tools on how to get back to our natural state of inner and outer harmony. This is where global change will start. With ourselves. Once we have rediscovered the nature of who we really are, this will automatically be reflected outwards. Our ‘reality’ will then be adjusted all by itself.
Like Mahatma Gandhi said ‘Be the change that you want in the world’.
Near-Future Workshops & Events:

Old Timetable:

Timetable & Events Summary March 2017:

Vaccinations Revealed, click for detailed information & 7-minute trailer:

We paid over $200 for this sensational 9-part series, VACCINES REVEALED, & we'd LOVE to share it WITH YOU! Saturday 1st April 7pm. We're neither pro- nor anti-vaccination, simply sharing information. For secrets behind Chronic & Mystery illness, see MEDICAL MEDIUM below. Click for short 2-minute trailer:

Or please read: 9 Part Docu-Series That Answers Real Questions About Vaccine Safety, Efficacy & Health Impact . Highly Suggested for those in health care, or parents, or ANYONE interested in the welfare of others, with Unconditional Love.
Our message from Dr. Wayne Dyer: "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about & refuse to investigate."

In contrast, MEDICAL MEDIUM offers Healing Wisdom with all-natural solutions to the root causes of disease that medical communities struggle to understand. Click Poster for more information.
MEDICAL MEDIUM says "Spirit calls our current era the Quickening ... Technology has revolutionized virtually everything ... a period of breathtaking wonder & opportunity. It's also an era of danger ... Lighting-fast advances sometimes come at the price of unconsidered vulnerabilities ... if we don't interrupt the flow of misinformation, then generations to come will endure unnecessary suffering."
March 2017 Events, Click Poster to watch Love & Peace Trailer:

4th March: Metod is an extraordinary Light Being 1,500 years old, a Prince of planet Eros, from the galaxy of Andromeda. He has full recall of his life there, who he is, how and why he was sent to Earth. His father, King of planet Eros, is in constant communication with him. This is his first public video. He tells his story, some of the gifts he came in with, talks about the upcoming Shift, and New Earth which independently lines up with what Dolores Cannon has been saying in her books.
11th March: Most intelligent people realize, at this point in history, the world needs a miracle to get us out of this mess we are in, imposed by global industrialists, affecting everything and everyone on earth. The "528 KEY" to LOVE & PEACE shatters paradigms with the musical-mathematics of LOVE. Trailer: https://youtu.be/xJAopW_UZS8 .
Timetable & Events February 2017 (past events only below):

Secrets in Plain Sight Cinema Sat'day 18h February 2017:

Over 3 hours of awe-inspiring material!
Magpie House Refurbished Party Sat'day 11th February 2017:

Bansuri Sound Healing & Meditation with Vinod Prasanna, Master of Indian Classical Music. Friday 17 February 2017, 7 to 8:30pm.
Click poster or below for Paypal or Credit Card Early Bird Bookin , Enjoy!

Friday 17th February 2017 7pm - 8:30pm. Early Bird Tickets $20 pre-paid till 13th February, Else $25 on-line or at door, limited tickets!
"Vinod Prasanna is a Master of Indian Classical Music & has studied music from the age of 7 in Varanasi/India. Music has been in Vinod's family for over 250 years. This Sound Healing will assist in alleviating stress & connect you with your heart. The evening will start with deep meditation. You will then be taken on a transformative journey, where you will experience peace, Divine connection & harmony."
ANNOUNCING this SENSATIONAL WORKSHOP from 5th March to 9th May 2017, see http://sacredenneagram.com or click poster below:

Register your Interest by sending email for a chance to meet the Facilitator, Michelle Eleanor, IN PERSON, also join the Sacred Enneagram Meetup Group at https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Sacred-Enneagram/ .
And watch the YouTube introduction below. Click to play at https://youtu.be/9PuS0q0aaew
Event Summary, See Further Below, Term Starts As Scheduled This Monday 30th January Despite Flood Damage!
Just 3 classes per week the first week or two (Monday 7:15pm General, Thursday 7pm General Plus, Sat'day 10:30am Gentle).

CINEMA & DISCUSSION EVENING Sat'day 4th February 2017 7pm=
Hidden Consciousness Science - 2.5 hours - A New Proposal of Mind Over Matter.

How do we create an intelligent dialog with the creative force of the Universe to allow us to experience a Quantum leap in our own intelligence?
This documentary film, aka Quantum Communication, attempts to teach us how communication really works from the Quantum level and how this is connected to the Universal Laws of Attraction.
Consider an atom. Atom has a tiny nucleus and some electrons rotating around it. The ratio of the atomic volume to the nucleus volume goes 100000 times larger. This means we are observing an empty sphere with real dimension. Now go further down. Nucleus is made of proton and neutron, which are made of quark particles. Quark particles are nothing, but vibrating strings which is a form of energy. So ultimately, everything is empty and we are just a hologram in space. Now the question is what makes this hologram live?? The Only answer is our conciousness!?
CINEMA UNDER THE STARS ... Don't Miss Out! ... Businesses of Upwey event.

*** Click Here for Yogaplex Yoga School & Teacher Training 2017 or call 03 9752 5838, Join Anytime, Bookings Essential *** or see www.yogaplex.com.au *** for special discount offers. 8 Classes per week for the Finest in Hatha Yoga! Try this Yin-Yang Fusion class Sundays 10:30am, or join our Conversations with God (CwG) & Spirit Study Group Tuesdays 7:30pm =

Past Lives Spiritual Study Group Tuesdays 8-10pm, supper served before.
With both Neale Donald Walsh (CwG) & Gary Renard (Course in Miracles) visiting Australia soon, there's a SURGE of SPIRITUALITY so we've re-started this study material. For both Neale & Gary this year, Click to View:
Neale Donald Walsch Melbourne Australia 2016
A Course in Miracles Australian Conference 2016
Tuesday 4th October's Past Lives & Conversations with God Study 8-10pm focuses on un-doing teachings that do not serve us: "There is nothing scary about life, if we are not attached to results, if we don't want anything. Choose, but don't want." Every week is like a Workshop!
Tuesday 11th October is a VERY powerful study on why Relationships flourish or fail: "The purpose of relationships is not to have another in order to feel complete, but to have another in order to share completeness." Soup served + bring food, $10. Includes:
* What to learn about relationships.
* Why relationships fail.
* Purpose of relationships.
* Paradox of relationships.
* The Test of relationships.
* How to be the most loving.
* Seeking "proof" of Love as a strategy.
* Relationship with Self, is this important?
* Advice for both Abuser, & Abused.
* Pacifist theories encountering evil.
* Long-Suffering obligation, if any.
* "Trade" fulfillment versus "Love" fulfillment.
* Life Guarantees & Expectations.
NOTE: Like every week, This is WORKSHOP MATERIAL featuring several powerful therapists for just $10 donation. Try it!
PAST EVENTS in 2016 Below. Enjoy!
MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."

Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details.
John of God CRYSTAL BED HEALING Saturday & Sunday 30 & 31st of July 2016 With Holistic Practitioner Shirley Morris, limited places so BOOK NOW on 03 9752 5838, or email reply. A message from one of the healing Entities working through John of God in Brazil, source of the Crystal Bed:

- Silence advised in BOTH cases!
Testimonial: "I believe the JoG entities began working with me some months before the event, even before my 1st crystal bed healing. And healing it certainly was! After feeling lots of powerful energy pulsing thru my body I began to 'see' and feel images that I believe were related to a pastlife. After an amazing, powerful journey I eventually came back into the room, both seeing and feeling the presence of 2 angelic beings as well as mother Mary." Shirley
Cinema July - August 2016:

New for 2016, Personal Development Yoga Teacher Training:
_ _ _

See Yogaplex Yoga School & Teacher Training 2016 for more information.
2016 END-of-SEASON Event, Food+Music to share 5pm, 7pm Demo, 7:30 Cinema =

Click Poster to play 2 minute trailer! _ _ _ _ Click Poster to play 3 minute trailer!

Magical Passes 7pm Class + Demo =

Stanley Kubrick's Odyssey I & II Details & Movie Trailers:
Kubrick's Odyssey I, Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick, Film by Jay Weidner.
Click to Play: Kubrick's Odyssey I Trailer 2 minutes.
This provocative and insightful film is the first in a series of documentaries that will reveal the secret knowledge embedded in the work of the greatest filmmaker of all time: Stanley Kubrick. This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, placed symbols and hidden anecdotes into his films that tell a far different story than the films appeared to be saying.
In Kubrick's Odyssey, Part I, Kubrick and Apollo, author and filmmaker, Jay Weidner presents compelling evidence of how Stanley Kubrick directed the Apollo moon landings. He reveals that the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was not only a retelling of Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's novel, but also a research and development project that assisted Kubrick in the creation of the Apollo moon footage. In light of this revelation, Weidner also explores Kubrick's film, The Shining and shows that this film is, in actuality, the story of Kubrick's personal travails as he secretly worked on the Apollo footage for NASA.
Kubrick's Odyssey II, Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick - Beyond the Infinite, A Film by Jay Weidner.
Click to Play: Kubrick's Odyssey II Trailer 3 minutes.
In this deeply provocative examination of Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey, filmmaker and researcher Jay Weidner reveals that besides being a great science fiction movie, 2001 is also a multi-layered revelation concerning the human condition and our place in the universe. Weidner unveils new insights into this most mysterious of films and shows us that Kubrick was telling us another story underneath the story we are watching on the screen. In this secret story we can see that 2001: A Space Odyssey is a actually a work of alchemy; a film that initiates the viewer into a higher consciousness and opens the mind and heart to new vistas for the entire human race. Kubrick uses powerful symbols in 2001 that were designed on purpose to reveal the secret of transformation and the path to our spiritual evolution. Discover the truth behind the blockbuster Hollywood classic and see why 2001: A Space Odyssey has captivated audiences since it’s release in 1968.
Summary of Current & Recent Events Below, please scroll down for details.

Cinema 3rd December 7pm: HOPE for HUMANITY.
Focuses on the generation of children now incarnating on Earth, who exhibit such talents as being able to recount past lives and perform telepathy. What can we expect to see in the near future when these kids become our next Teachers, Leaders, Scientists and Medical Professionals?
Cinema Sat'day 10th December 7pm: DAWN of a GOLDEN AGE. - 170 minutes
Part 1 - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of a enlightened era which soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shinning beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of bankers & corporates soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.
Part 3 - a Reformation Act that may ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.

*** Click Here for Yogaplex Yoga School & Teacher Training 2017 or call 03 9752 5838, Join Anytime, Bookings Essential *** or see www.yogaplex.com.au *** for special discount offers. 8 Classes per week for the Finest in Hatha Yoga! Try this Yin-Yang Fusion class Sundays 10:30am, or join our Conversations with God (CwG) & Spirit Study Group Tuesdays 7:30pm =

Past Lives Spiritual Study Group Tuesdays 8-10pm, supper served before.
With both Neale Donald Walsh (CwG) & Gary Renard (Course in Miracles) visiting Australia soon, there's a SURGE of SPIRITUALITY so we've re-started this study material. For both Neale & Gary this year, Click to View:
Neale Donald Walsch Melbourne Australia 2016
A Course in Miracles Australian Conference 2016
Tuesday 4th October's Past Lives & Conversations with God Study 8-10pm focuses on un-doing teachings that do not serve us: "There is nothing scary about life, if we are not attached to results, if we don't want anything. Choose, but don't want." Every week is like a Workshop!
Tuesday 11th October is a VERY powerful study on why Relationships flourish or fail: "The purpose of relationships is not to have another in order to feel complete, but to have another in order to share completeness." Soup served + bring food, $10. Includes:
* What to learn about relationships.
* Why relationships fail.
* Purpose of relationships.
* Paradox of relationships.
* The Test of relationships.
* How to be the most loving.
* Seeking "proof" of Love as a strategy.
* Relationship with Self, is this important?
* Advice for both Abuser, & Abused.
* Pacifist theories encountering evil.
* Long-Suffering obligation, if any.
* "Trade" fulfillment versus "Love" fulfillment.
* Life Guarantees & Expectations.
NOTE: Like every week, This is WORKSHOP MATERIAL featuring several powerful therapists for just $10 donation. Try it!
PAST EVENTS in 2016 Below. Enjoy!

Healing the Luminous Body Trailer (click to play) advocates an ancient Shaman secret, leading all of us to health, naturally.
Thanks for the great turn-out for "The Reality of Truth" last week. This Sat'day, we may also screen a 2nd 'shaman' feature: "Metamorphosis - Healing with Ayahuasca" with a few cautions about using mind-altering substances.
"In this fascinating and informative video, Alberto Villoldo, PhD., introduces viewers to the luminous energy field that surrounds and informs our physical body like a blueprint of life. Unveiling the secret of ancient shaman-healers, he teaches us that many of our physical and psychological problems stem from imprints within our luminous body. Dr. Villoldo reveals the nature of this luminous field, how it acts as a blueprint for our physical body and how by understanding its nature, we can actually heal ourselves and each other. Once the luminous body is cleared, Dr. Villoldo explains, physical and emotional healing can begin."
Bookings Highly Advised, Click Here (or Bee below) for Tickets.

What is Sacred Honey Bee Dreaming? Held as an interactive journey merging sound frequencies, chanting & guided meditation. We come together to help heal & regenerate the essence of the sacred feminine., through creating & revisiting a story of the past. Integrates an ancient message from the 100 million year-old honeybee. By bringing together community to support & heal this sacred essence in wholeness, & listen to the bees message, we hope to bring a new level of consciousness & healing to ourselves & to our planet.
Facilitated by: Kaisha Hekimian is a medium, sound-creator, & lead singer of the band KAISHA, creating & performing music for 20 years, holding a great passion for the sacred feminine, & for inspiring healing & evolution though music & sound. Kaisha explores sound in a deep, multidimensional way, using sacred vibration frequencies, chanting & channeled messages. She will be accompanied through this meditation by the amazing Djulz Chambers (Soul Circles Drumming) on frame drum.
Managing EHS (& Cancer) Forum 4pm Sat'day 26th November 2016 (click to explore) , a Registration event, please call 03 9752 5838 or email numbers to gneo@yogaplex.com.au =

Testimonials so far at http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/Kyani.htm = There are no "Experts" here, no "Trained Professionals" nor "Corporate Executives" that know little, if anything, about Nutrition nor toxic agents (visible or not) that are motivated primarily by Wealth, NOT Health. No, these are "ordinary people", like you & I, sharing stories of reversal of symptoms in a very short time, we started our trials just last September 2016!
So, trial this for yourself by clicking the item below, & consider attending the forum above.

Sound of Infinity Indian Flute Concert , Early Bird payment till 20th October 2016, click icon to pay on-line credit card or Paypal, please book early: Click Here for Vinod Prasanna's biography, born into one of India’s greatest flute-playing families.

AFTER 20th October 2016:

Saturday 29th October 2016 7pm - 9pm. Early Bird Tickets $25 pre-paid till 20th October, Else $30 on-line or at door, limited tickets!
"Vinod Prasanna is a Master of Indian Classical Music & has studied music from the age of 7 in Varanasi/India. Music has been in Vinod's family for over 250 years. This Sound Healing will assist in alleviating stress & connect you with your heart. The evening will start with deep meditation. You will then be taken on a transformative journey, where you will experience peace, Divine connection & harmony."
Reversing EHS Symptoms Forum - could this be possible? , Sharing live testimonials both 4pm & 7pm. Registration event - simply email reply (to gneo@yogaplex.com.au ) , or contact 03 9752 5838 for more information or can't make it, plus email reply.

SUMMARY of Cinema & Events October 2016, more details above & below.

This Saturday 8th October, Honey Bee Concert + SURFWISE Cinema:

EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) & Cancer Forum again on Saturday 22nd October 2016. Both 4 & 7pm as some may not like to travel after 7pm. Features the final episode of The TRUTH about CANCER - Stories of Victory!!! How the same cell re-structuring nutrients also manage Electro-Hypersensitivity, live stories, in person, shared.
EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) Meeting Friday 9th September 2016. Nutrients that Reverse Symptoms! Meet special guests who've achieved this with non-retail food referal (not 'medicine'). Despite this 'triumph', why Sanctuary agenda remains high, sharing options based on extensive research.
Saturday Cinema The TRUTH about CANCER final episodes 8 & 9: Micro-Nutrients & Stories of Victory! BOTH evenings feature stories from people who've reversed EHS & Cancer using the same nutrient, sharing awesome recoveries in person.

The LAST AVATAR in the Age of Chaos Cinema 7pm Sat'day 20th August stars Neale Donald Walsh, Conversations with God author. Join us for food, cinema & discussion at www.MagpieHouse.com.au .
Click Icon for movie trailer =
Conversations with God Study Group continues Tuesdays 8-10pm, topics include: End the Struggle, Relationships, Money, Health, Karma, Reincarnation, Sex, Utopia, & More! Follows 6:30pm Yoga class.
Gavin Shri Amneon of the School of Kabbalah, Qabalah, Tantra and Global Mysticism, brings us very special ancient & devotional songs of Sanskrit, Hebrew, Egyptian & Sumerian origin, enjoy mystical meditative incantations of the Divine Presence derived from many cultures. Part 2, Friday 19th August (click icon for on-line Credit Card or Paypal bookings as numbers are limited) =

More specific details below, it's the same event!
Sung Invocations from Ancient Egypt. Join us for a meditation to mystical music and song, as we bring to you invocations in the original Pharaonic language. These invocations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a magical manual used in death and at rites of passage and for living by, follow the path of the Sun. Ra - the sun at its zenith as the presence of the soul, Osiris - as the Sun passing through the night and underworld. Isis - the sun that is born at dawn, and Horus - the reborn sun as the perfected being transformed!
With Gavin Shri Amneon on vocals and Daf drum, and Travis Jekks Taylor on Persian Tar, prepare to be mystically immersed into the depths of the soul.

SUMMARY of Cinema & Events August 2016, more details above & below.

Transformational Sound Healing & Indian Flute Concert , Cash at Magpie House or click payment icon to pay on-line credit card or Paypal, please book early: Click Here for Vinod Prasanna's biography, born into one of India’s greatest flute-playing families. Comments include: "Just stunning ... ecstatic waves of kundalini bliss! have fallen in love with Vinod's incredible gift ... P.S. Jay Dabgar is pretty damn fine too."

Saturday 13th August 2016 7:30 - 9:30pm. Tickets $20 pre-paid at Magpie House, 48 Main St Upwey or on-line at www.MagpieHouse.com.au . Or $30 at Door, limited tickets!
"Vinod Prasanna is a Master of Indian Classical Music & has studied music from the age of 7 in Varanasi/India. Music has been in Vinod's family for over 250 years. This Sound Healing will assist in alleviating stress & connect you with your heart. The evening will start with deep meditation. You will then be taken on a transformative journey, where you will experience peace, Divine connection & harmony."
PAST EVENTS (in 2016) & other resources below.
Cinema 30th July 7pm = Dalai Lama ROAD to PEACE: Radical Vision of Great Humanity, fulfilling prophecised Dharma from ancient times. Sat’days 6pm Entry, $10 suggested, bring food to share. Reply to book. "There is no way to peace, peace is the way." - Dan Millman, Peaceful Warrior - Join us as we share our " P E A C E " collection as a 'meditation'.

Cinema 16th July 7pm = The CROP CIRCLE DIARIES: many produced through group intention & prayer, plus other startling phenomena. Sat’days 6pm Entry, $10 suggested, bring food to share. Reply to book. *** See poster below *** .

Cinema 23rd July 7pm = PEACABLE KINGDOM the Journey Home: Animals & Humans in Spiritual Essence & Splendour, Ethics for Health & Earth. Sat’days 6pm Entry, $10 suggested, bring food to share. Reply to book. *** See Poster Above *** .
Gavin Shri Amneon of the School of Kabbalah, Qabalah, Tantra and Global Mysticism, brings us very special ancient & devotional songs of Sanskrit, Hebrew, Egyptian & Sumerian origin, enjoy mystical meditative incantations of the Divine Presence derived from many cultures. Part 1, Friday 22nd July (click icon for on-line bookings as numbers are limited) =

Enjoy mystical meditative incantations of the Divine Presence derived from many cultures. Part 1, Friday 22nd July (see http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/ for on-line Credit Card on Paypal bookings as numbers are limited).
Join us for Sanskrit sung meditation with musical accompaniment, of the Bhairava Tantra, the oldest Tantric text in existence dating back 4000 years. It is a conversation between Shiva & Shakti, the God & the Goddess, about the art, yoga & meditation techniques of Tantra. Vocals: Gavin Shri Amneon, Subuhar: Travis Jekks Taylor.
Saturday 23rd July 5pm: Free, No Obligation Presentation =
ONE WORLD, ONE CURRENCY Gathering: the inevitable, un-stoppable force that by-passes middle-men - Pre-Launch Opportunity Expires Soon! WHY SUPPORT THIS INNOVATION? The technology is inevitable (like cell phones & wi-fi), we may as well a support an implementation that is non-centralised & distributed, free & resilient just like the Internet! If we do NOT support this non-centralised, distributed, implementation of Blockchain technology, then major institutions will centralise ownership of this instead. WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS? Just . . . imagine!

Blockchain & how it will change Everything!
Bitcoin & Blockchain Derivatives.
Cinema 18th June & 25th June 2016, for more information click GODS of the NEW AGE Cinema & Discussion in Upwey.

Weather Control & Carbon Neutral Cinema Saturday 25th June, Planetary Solutions versus Experimental Disasters, very informative! Shows how the kingdom of Bhutan becomes naturally carbon negative, versus the technological attempts to control the weather. Is there an air conditioner big enough for the entire globe???!!!
World Yoga Day FREE Sun Salute Challenge 6pm, Meditation 8pm. Tuesday 21st June 6pm class, 8pm Meditation. Bookings Advised, or be early! This FREE class offers a variety of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) sequences all providing Ultimate Back Care from Beginners to Advanced, the concepts are the same. Email Reply Book Now!

Yoga Super Special: 30 days UNLIMITED $60 for new starters (& some others, just ask), repeatable by request! Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-8am early Vinyasa practice, click www.YogaPlex.com.au for details. Current Pamphlet June 2016:

Final Moments of Sounds of Infinity Full House Concert on YouTube, they plan to return! =

SOUNDS of INFINITY World Class Indian Concert, Cash at Magpie House or Click Here to pay on-line credit card or Paypal, please book early: Click Here for Vinod Prasanna's biography, born into one of India’s greatest flute-playing families. Comments include: "Just stunning ... ecstatic waves of kundalini bliss! have fallen in love with Vinod's incredible gift ... P.S. Jay Dabgar is pretty damn fine too."

MAGPIE HOUSE CINEMA April-June 2016, the Field of Attention workshop, & see The TRUTH about CANCER Cinema further below:

The TRUTH about CANCER Five DVD pack, 9 episodes screening 21/28 May & 4/11th June 2016, do NOT miss! 5 for 6pm start (9pm on 4th June).

MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."

Naturopath . . . . . . . . . . Hypnotherapy . . . . . . Psychic Medium . . . . . Yoga School . . . . . . . Remedial Massage . . . . Spiritual Readings & Reiki

Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details.
MAGPIE HOUSE CINEMA New Time is Saturdays 5pm Entry for 6pm Start, Also a new 'Ratings' key, did we rate titles below accurately? Meal Options MUST be BOOKED, call 9752 5838. All set for an Awesome Season in 2016!
_ _ _

Magpie House Cinema April 2016: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ And a presentation we're advised not to miss:

16th April 2016 Cinema & Discussion = BENEATH the SANDS of EGYPT. Controversial tell-all series about what lay beneath the sands of Egypt, and how it will rewrite the history of not only ancient Egypt, but also of mankind and the history of the earth and all life on it. In this episode Alex lays the foundations for not only the series, but questions the origins of our calendar and the dating and identity of great religious figures. Power stuff that is sure to get you thinking.
23rd April 2016 Cinema & Discussion = SECRETS of the STAR PEOPLE. In this 1996 film missed by many, Tribal Elders break their silence and share hidden knowledge of The Star People: visitors from other worlds, knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years.
_ Native American Tribal Leaders speak out. It was revealed in a dream among Tribal Elders that now was the time for Tribes to break their silence and share hidden knowledge: visitors from other worlds. Meet people with first-hand ET experience, hear amazing stories of the unknown, and witness for yourself a mysterious event which occurred in the skies: for some, a visible sign that we are not alone.
24th April 2016 presentation = Coinspace Review - Toward Unconditional Sharing. Who are we, Really? Beings of Love, or Lovers of Money?
_ "Every now and then, something comes along that might just change everything. And this is one of those moments,"
says Australian Stock Exchange chief executive Elmer Funke Kupper. A Donation gathering (poster above).
_ If you're weary of working excessively hard to pay bills & mortgage, while criminals, banking cartels & corporate fascist governments worldwide make obscene profits, here's a chance for you & I to make obscene profits as well, in order to fund our benevolent, not 'slavery', work!
_ The potential cost savings from blockchain have been noted at the very highest levels of Australian finance. Please Read, thoroughly:
_ _ _ _ Blockchain and how it will change everything.
_ Changing the World does NOT consist of fixing an old, corrupt, system, but by creating a NEW one, an extraordinary opportunity for both us & Humanity. Be part of an exciting revolution that offers, at last, the VERY BEST opportunity in 100 years to cut out the middle man of checks, balances, excessive costs, & corruption.
Current Yoga & Events Pamphlet, & another COINSPACE presentation:
_ _ _

New for 2016, Personal Development Yoga Teacher Training:
_ _ _

See Yogaplex Yoga School & Teacher Training 2016 for more information.
Past Events below, scroll down for other special information:
_ _ _

For the Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) cause, we suggest these screenings:
13 & 20 Feb: The STORY of ELECTRICITY, KNOW what you're Dealing With!
_ _ _

27 Feb: DESPERATELY SEEKING WHITE ZONE, explore potential White Zones.
5 March: MASS SURVEILLANCE, technological (smart meter?) assault on privacy.
12 & 19 March: ATOM & the Illusion of ‘Reality’, Healing includes 'Looking Within'!
PROJECT UPWEY CINEMA Friday 12th February 2016:
Also promoting this Mercury Free Dentistry presentation on Wednesday 17th Feb in Melbourne:
_ _ _

Full Poster & General Pamphlet below.
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_ _ _

Psychic Medium classes Wednesdays 7-10pm, Fridays 10:30am - 3pm. MEDIUMSHIP DEMONSTRATION Sat'day 9th May & 20th June 2015, $10 booked or $15 door:
_ _ _

COINSPACE Presentation Friday 11th Dec 2015, a new era of 'Spiritual' Banking! With an EXCELLENT Asset Growth opportunity, DON'T MISS OUT !!! Invest as little as $500.

Before rejecting, watch = Coinspace Presentation Australia & Coinspace-Cryptocurrency Machine.
VERY Special Events Sat'day 12th December 2015, more details & links below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ Channeling 3-6pm: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CINEMA & discussion 7:30pm: _ _ _

END of SEASON EVENT Sat'day 19th December 2015, 10:30am Class, Lunch, Cinema 1pm=

By Donation! Includes Upwey Historical Display.
Summary of Events November-December 2015, more details & links below:

CLICK HERE for UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD alternative community Cinema on 21st Nov 2015. Join Meetup if you'd like!
CLICK HERE for BREATH of the GODS Cinema, screening in Burwood Friday 27th Nov 2015. Join Meetup if you'd like!
CLICK HERE for Holy Grail teachings with Tanishka Sat'day 28th Nov 2015, & for bookings. Join Meetup if you'd like!
Weekend Yoga Retreat 5-6 December 2015 at mystery rainforest location:
CLICK HERE to view a 3-minute Tame-Gentle sequence in fast motion.
CLICK HERE to view 5 minutes of Advanced Practice in slow & fast motion.
CLICK HERE to view 5 minutes of philosophy from 2012: Crossing Over.
CLICK HERE to view the entire 2012: Crossing Over. movie with over 1 million YouTube hits!

Secure a place NOW at this sensational Yoga Retreat 5th December! Includes =
* Vegie meals & one night accomodation, minimal price & close to Melbourne.
* Walking & Guided Meditations.
* 5 acre bushwalk, visit & walk the 80 metre Meditation Tree!
* "Power of Silence" study/practice.
* Swim!
* Lunge Sequence & Child Variations feature deep self-guided intensity to significantly improve "advanced" practice, also suits "beginners"!
* Established students & Teachers will benefit.
(PAST 2015 EVENTS) Special Events until 1st November 2015:

CRYSTAL BED HEALING & Light+Sound machine weekend Saturday/Sunday 31st October:
CLICK HERE for John of God & Crystal Bed information.
CLICK HERE for Dream Weaver Testimonials.

Meditation, Toning, Channeling, Regression evening Friday 30th October:
CLICK HERE to explore details of prior session.
CLICK HERE for a one-minute important message on YouTube.

CLICK HERE for Nino Borsari, clinical hypnotherapist specialising in past-life regression.
CLICK HERE for Elizabeth Lawrentjew, Spirit Readings & healings.
CLICK HERE for George Neo, Yoga Therapist & Yoga / Meditation teacher.
Mediumship Demonstration Saturday 31st October 1-3:30pm:
CLICK HERE to view Mediumship Demonstration for a prior session.

Yoga Festival Sunday 25th October in Abbotsford:
CLICK HERE to view www.evolveyogafestival.com.au .
CLICK HERE for our Meetup promotion of this event. Visit our festival stall!

Prior Events & Spiritual Cinema:

Spiritual Cinema, Meditation, & Stretch in Burwood Sat'day 12th September, optionally from 5:30pm or Cinema 7:30pm. Join this exciting collaboration of Magpie House Upwey with Unity of Melbourne! A MAGNIFICENT Venue of Spiritual Ambience, CLICK HERE to view this Unity event.
BRAIN STRUCTURED ENLIGHTENMENT Cinema, Meditation, Stretch, & Discussion, Sat'day 12th September from 5:30pm with accomplished Yoga Therapist George Neo of www.MagpieHouse.com.au .

A Joint Unity of Melbourne / Magpie House event, spring-time launch of a series of awakening presentations, please support. Attend one, both, or ALL:
(5:30pm = Guided Stretch & Breathe - Optional).
6pm = BODY-MIND MEDITATION & YOGA CLASS, introductory price $10.
7:15pm = FOOD to SHARE, bring snacks or prepared food for self or all.
7:30pm = SPIRITUALITY & the BRAIN movie By Donation, Neuroscientist Lecture examines the roles of the Brain, Meditation, & a Sense of Self as one becomes enlightened, with case histories Ramana Maharishi & The Buddha amongst others. Discussion follows.
CLICK HERE for Meetup Group information on this event. Please email gneo@yogaplex.com.au to indicate attendance for self & others, Thank You in advance.

CLICK HERE for Testimonials.

Special Meditation, Toning, Channeling & Regression Friday 18th Sept 2015 7pm: With Magpie House Therapists Nino Borsari (Past Life Hypnotherapy), & Elizabeth Lawrentjew (Spirit Readings & Healings), available NOW for private readings. Click Here for a one-minute message from a previous session Friday 12 June.
Magpie House Cinema & Discussion for Aug-Sept 2015: Saturdays during school term.

15th August = BRILLIANT MADNESS MATHEMATICAL GENIUS Cinema & Discussion. The amazing, true story behind "A Beautiful Mind", was he really an Alien Messenger, or Eccentric Genius? Such extra-ordinary abilities is a clue to our own super-consciousness in this time of spiritual awakening. For detailed Meetup Group information, Click Here Click Here..
The amazing, true story behind "A Beautiful Mind", was he really an Alien Messenger, or Eccentric Genius? Such extra-ordinary abilities is a clue to our own super-consciousness in this time of spiritual awakening.
BUT FIRST, we must master the Physical before having access to the Spiritual, there are NO SHORTCUTS on the journey to Mastery, revealing the Perfection that already exists. Hatha Yoga is a way, see http://www.yogaplex.com.au for The Finest in Hatha Yoga, bringing classes to Unity of Melbourne in Burwood soon - register interest at gneo@yogaplex.com.au.
A Brilliant Madness is the story of a mathematical genius whose career was cut short by a descent into madness. At the age of 30, John Nash, a stunningly original and famously eccentric MIT mathematician, suddenly began claiming that aliens were communicating with him and that he was a special messenger.
Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, Nash spent the next three decades in and out of mental hospitals, all but forgotten. During that time, a proof he had written at the age of 20 became a foundation of modern economic theory. In 1994, as Nash began to show signs of emerging from his delusions, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Economics. The program features interviews with John Nash, his wife Alicia, his friends and colleagues, and experts in game theory and mental illness.
Go beyond the Oscar-winning drama "A Beautiful Mind" and learn more about the life of troubled mathematician and Nobel Prize-winner John Nash and his struggle with mental illness in this PBS "American Experience" documentary. Exclusive interviews with Nash and wife Alicia are included.
Magpie House Cinema & Discussion for July 2015: Saturdays during school term, special titles not to be missed! It's the Gathering that counts, an educational, inspirational stepping-stone from Material to Spiritual existence. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS, WE MUST MASTER THE MATERIAL REALM BEFORE WE CAN PROGRESS TO THE NEXT, otherwise we're not welcome in higher realms.
18th July = FLIGHT from DEATH - The Quest for Immortality. A growing body of psychologists suggest that subconscious reminders of death cause people to gravitate toward cultural groundings, such as religion or xenophobia. Nationalism, spirituality or our delegation of nonhuman animals to a lesser status are part and parcel of how humans assign meaning to their own lives.
* * * George's note: In the Shaman/Sorcerer world, Death is a Motivator, Living Life in Every Moment as if it is your very last, the basis of "Impeccability".
25th July = MONEY & LIFE - Comprehend the Greece Crisis/Opportunity, a Defining Moment! Multi-Award Winning, Money & Life asks a provocative question: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity?
This cinematic odyssey connects the dots on our current economic pains and offers a new story of money based on an emerging paradigm of planetary well-being that understands all of life as profoundly interconnected.
Money & Life invites us to meet the challenge of our time: to participate in the great transition to a sustainable, equitable and restorative economy that meets the needs and realities of the 21st century. CONSIDER OUR 'GREECE' POSTER TO DISCUSS & EXPLORE BELOW.
1st August = The SACRED SCIENCE - healing practices of Peru's indigenous medicine men. Witness the story of eight brave souls, as they leave the developed world behind in search of a deeper meaning underlying the physical expression of their illnesses. Opting to live in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru's indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines.
7th February = FANTASTIC WORLD of HORMONES - Biochemical Wonders! Hormones serve as a major form of communication between different organs and tissues. Hormones regulate a variety of physiological and behavioral activities, including digestion, metabolism, respiration, tissue function, sensory perception, sleep, excretion, lactation, stress, growth and development, movement, reproduction, and mood. Our recent yoga workshop showed how Chakras & Glands relate to Endocrine System that produces hormones, & that a regular yoga practice can keep us healthy.
14th February = PLANET OCEAN - Multi-Award winner of Best Cinematography & an Audience Award. Dive into our planet's greatest mysteries with a team of international underwater cinematographers as they explore the breathtaking bond between humanity and the ocean. Explores the dangers of over-exploitation - Visually Spectacular!
21st February = CARS of the FUTURE - Relax back & enjoy the ride. Mind-blowing technology & going beyond Fossil Fuels, WHAT are we WAITING for? !!
28th February = ORIGINS - a wakeup call to heal ourselves and our planet. Our progress as a species has yielded tremendous innovations. Many of them make life better for everyone, but other seemingly beneficial technologies may be subtly sabotaging our very existence. Whether we're talking about spraying harmful pesticides on our vegetables to increase crop yield, or dangerous pharmaceuticals that do more damage than good, certain modern "shortcuts" can have disastrous effects on our health. But it doesn't have to be this way. By moving into the future with reverence, we see that everything from the trees to the very soil we are standing on has infinite value, just waiting to be understood.
7th March = Dispelling Overpopulation Myths - The Overpopulation collection credibly dispels many myths, you may be surprised that as disadvantaged countries are treated fairly by the affluent, fear vanishes & the population stabilises naturally. Whereas when greed & corruption are rampant, the only "superannuation/insurance policy" for old age is lots of babies. If you have a consciousness of 'too many people', environmental or not, then WHO would you dispose of FIRST? But, transforming this to 'There Is Enough For Everyone' dispels myths & fears propagated by activists & fundamentalists on all sides. Powerful!
14th March = MOBILIZE - FOOTHILLS Magazine have previously published our articles 'Turning off my mobile phone' & 'The Dangers of WiFi & the Assault on our Children' (available by request, as well as Wi-Fi non-consent forms for schools). MOBILIZE re-presents the very serious issues involved, do NOT expect government agencies, the 'education' department, the media, & your telecommunication carrier to inform you of the dark side!
21st March = HUMANS - SUPERIOR or NOT? - Honestly, who told us that? Would we care to be enlightened on a few points?
28th March = BASHAR’s WAKING UNIVERSE - Despite the above title, this features phenomenal information on how magnificent we really are - without getting 'Superior' of course.
DARE to READ & consider THIS commentary!: An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: How Greece Has Fallen Victim to "Economic Hit Men".
Special Meditation, Toning, Channeling & Past Life Portrayal Friday 24th July 2015 7pm: With Magpie House Therapists Nino Borsari (Past Life Hypnotherapy), & Elizabeth Lawrentjew (Spirit Readings & Healings), available NOW for private readings. Click Here for a one-minute message from the previous session Friday 12 June.
_ _ _
* * * * * * WORLD CLASS EVENT to complement our World Class Therapists: * * * * * *
*** The Prospering Power of the Awakened Heart ***
with Fatima Bacot Sunday 9th August 2015 10am - 5pm, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & BOOKINGS!
Also see www.FatimaBacot.com for a FREE E-BOOK: Five Keys to Navigating Accelerating Change.
_ _ _
We live in pivotal times, & this is the prophecised time for you to FLOURISH, financially, in relationships, purpose, health, & spirituality as part of the progression into a New Earth & the Universal Consciousness.
Recently back from 2 years Teaching & Consulting overseas, Fatima will share ...
* The Renewal & Regeneration of Humanity & the Earth through Awakened Heart Coherence.
* The 'Evolutionary Big Switch' leading out of the old, stuck reality.
* The Powers of the Diamond Light & Golden Frequency for Evolution & Upgrade.
* The 'Red Carpet Effect' & entering the HYPERDRIVE of Prosperity-Creation.
* Breakthrough Neuroscience, Mysticism & Physics for your Wellbeing & Prosperity.
* Revolutionary Astrological, Solar & Galactic triggers catalyzing your DNA & Evolution.
* Mindfulness & Transcending the LIMITED Linear, Thinking Mind into Joy.
* Working with Universal Principles to open yourself to Creativity & a Whole new Way of Being in a 'New Earth' in Unified, Multidimensional Consciousness.
"Fatima is unspeakably amazing & knowledgeable. Fatima has been the answer to all the difficulties I have been experiencing for the past five years of my life & has been able to set me on my path." BK, USA
www.FatimaBacot.com 'Events'
ALL QUERIES: admin@FatimaBacot.com
Fatima is a rare blend of mystical wisdom, the ancient divinatory arts, scientific knowledge, political awareness, & most importantly, practical Strategy. Intimately aware of the 'Big Picture' of Change, she has taught thousands across 5 continents how to dramatically galvanize their Powers to Create Reality.
Psychic Medium classes Wednesdays 7-10pm, Fridays 10:30am - 3pm. MEDIUMSHIP DEMONSTRATION Sat'day 9th May & 20th June 2015, $10 booked or $15 door:
_ _ _ _ _ _
MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."
Naturopath . . . . . . . . . . Hypnotherapy . . . . . . Psychic Medium . . . . . . Yoga School . . . . . . Shiatsu, Counsellor. . . . Spiritual Readings & Reiki
Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details. NEW! Shiatsu, Massage, Counselling, Psychic Medium.
* * * * * * Early Bird ends soon, Moved to Burwood for the Melbourne-wide audience it deserves: * * * * * *
*** The Prospering Power of the Awakened Heart ***
with Fatima Bacot Sunday 9th August 2015 1pm - 6:30pm, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & BOOKINGS!
Also see www.FatimaBacot.com for a FREE E-BOOK: Five Keys to Navigating Accelerating Change.
_ _ _
Venue: Unity of Melbourne, 4 Renown Street, Burwood. See www.unitymelbourne.org.au for transport options.
We live in pivotal times, & this is the prophecised time for you to FLOURISH, financially, in relationships, purpose, health, & spirituality as part of the progression into a New Earth & the Universal Consciousness.
Recently back from 2 years Teaching & Consulting overseas, Fatima will share ...
* The Renewal & Regeneration of Humanity & the Earth through Awakened Heart Coherence.
* The 'Evolutionary Big Switch' leading out of the old, stuck reality.
* The Powers of the Diamond Light & Golden Frequency for Evolution & Upgrade.
* The 'Red Carpet Effect' & entering the HYPERDRIVE of Prosperity-Creation.
* Breakthrough Neuroscience, Mysticism & Physics for your Wellbeing & Prosperity.
* Revolutionary Astrological, Solar & Galactic triggers catalyzing your DNA & Evolution.
* Mindfulness & Transcending the LIMITED Linear, Thinking Mind into Joy.
* Working with Universal Principles to open yourself to Creativity & a Whole new Way of Being in a 'New Earth' in Unified, Multidimensional Consciousness.
"Fatima is unspeakably amazing & knowledgeable. Fatima has been the answer to all the difficulties I have been experiencing for the past five years of my life & has been able to set me on my path." BK, USA
www.FatimaBacot.com 'Events'
ALL QUERIES: admin@FatimaBacot.com
Fatima is a rare blend of mystical wisdom, the ancient divinatory arts, scientific knowledge, political awareness, & most importantly, practical Strategy. Intimately aware of the 'Big Picture' of Change, she has taught thousands across 5 continents how to dramatically galvanize their Powers to Create Reality.
Special Meditation, Toning, Channeling & Regression Friday 21st August 2015 7pm: With Magpie House Therapists Nino Borsari (Past Life Hypnotherapy), & Elizabeth Lawrentjew (Spirit Readings & Healings), available NOW for private readings. Click Here for a one-minute message from a previous session Friday 12 June.
Cinema Titles for 9th & 16th May 2015: Please also see for more information Truth Seekers Meetup MONEY / DEBT / PIRATES Double Magpie House Cinema & Discussion in Upwey.
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Golden Frequency Workshop postponed till further notice, but not forgetten as we "resonate" with this stuff, we'll re-schedule when it feels appropriate. Apologies for inconvenience.
SENSATIONAL Higher Consciousness+Music Events June 2015, Further details below.
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Click Here to book tickets or visit Magpie House to avoid booking fee! =
5th Dimensional Public Talk Sunday 21st June 2015.
Golden Frequency Transformation workshop Saturday 27th June 2015.
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5th Dimensional Public Talk & Meditations 1pm-5pm Sunday 21st June Includes Crystal Sound Bath, & Sacred Toning Chants - see www.divinelightcentre.com for a sample of Michele Kingston's gifts & Holistic Services. JOIN US for MEDITATIONS, TALK, SOUND BATH, & SACRED TONING CHANTS. Michele has inspired us since release of her special Galactic Travels CD, don't miss out & click below to book early. Or visit Magpie House for a special cash price!
Now Booking, Click Here.
On this day we remember the journey of the soul, and see our uniqueness in the bigger picture & "The Divine Plan".
Not only do we discover our origin, but we learn about our dimensional selves, soul families & star families.
We'll see Earth in it's Galactic cycle & see the fascination of the cosmos. Which leads you to find out what is your part in this glorious story of creation & how do you ground GOD into the physicality. See where we are heading as individuals and as a race of humanity.
There's is so much more to the wonderful you to explore.
The Divine Light Centre was founded by Michele Kingston in 2007.
This is a little healing & meditation centre, as well as an Angel reading room and runs workshops monthly. Michele Kingston has been journeying on her spiritual path since she was young.
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Golden Frequency (432Hz) Transformation Workshop & PROJECT CENSORED - Why the Media Fails To Report the Truth! Sat'day 27 June 2015, 4pm Entry for 5-7pm, Cinema & Discussion follows. Sound Healing, musical virtuoso Ben Kelly & Steve Davies with Crystal Harp. - see www.facebook.com/benkellyaustralia for a samples of Ben's "Path of Least Resistance" music & events. JOIN US for this special Food2Share Event & Cinema Sat’day 27th June 2015. Also see www.benkellyaustralia.com for Ben's Global Peace Project & Skateboarding for Humanity ventures.
Golden Frequency Workshop postponed till further notice, but not forgetten as we "resonate" with this stuff, we'll re-schedule when it feels appropriate. Apologies for inconvenience.
Now Booking, Click Here.
432Hz tuning, as opposed to 440Hz imposed (forced?) on Western music mid-20th century, is a gateway to higher conscious expansion, a step toward the Light. "Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified." Special Intro Price $30.
7-8pm Food to Share & social interact with Ben & Steve.
7:30pm Cinema By Donation. PROJECT CENSORED How & Why the Mainstream Media Fails to Report Truth! Ending the Reign of Junk News!
Why do cable news and the networks avoid stories of gravity and instead emphasize the goings-on of celebrities? Are news consumers just escapists, or are fluff stories part of conscious plotting on behalf of the mainstream media’s ties to corporate and government? America’s largest media research organization, Sonoma State University’s Project Censored, documents how and why the so-called fourth estate so consistently flunks its civic responsibility.
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Ben's SKATEBOARDING for HUMANITY, Check out further details at Skateboarding-for-Human-Rights, Click Here.
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Magpie House Cinema & Discussion April, May & June 2015: Cinema & Discussion every Saturday during school term, special titles not to be missed! It's the Gathering that counts, an alternative social evening where in-toxic-ation is not a feature, for your en-light-en-ment.
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GOSHEN Cinema & Discussion Sat'day 6 June 2015 - Indigenous Running Tribe Lifestyle & Remarkable Health, Food to Share plus live open-stage music 6 or 7pm. GOSHEN is multi-award winning, a probing, persuasive, & powerful exploration of the Tarahumara, a remarkably fit & healthy light-footed running tribe, striving to maintain ancient culture against all odds. By donation. Book 9752 5838 or email gneo@yogaplex.com.au .
GOSHEN Movie Trailer, Click Here.
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They are skilled subsistence farmers, renowned for their incredible long distance running endurance and prevention of modern chronic diseases. For centuries, the Tarahumara have found a safe place of refuge in the remote depths of Mexico’s Copper Canyons. Recently, drought and famine have threatened the Tarahumara’s ability to sustain their indigenous diet and physically active lifestyle.
GOSHEN takes you on a journey in the huarache-clad footsteps of these endurance athletes, highlighting the health benefits of safeguarding their way of life. Probing and persuasive, GOSHEN will inspire you to take part in preserving the native seeds and running traditions of the Tarahumara.
MIND-BODY CONNECTION Movie, Food to Share + Sitar Recital Sat'day 23rd May 2015 from 6pm. REMARKABLE true stories to Change our Mind & Change our Health. How meditation enhances immune system & brain structure to help with anxiety, focus & attention. Modest note donation. Book 9752 5838 or email gneo@yogaplex.com.au .
Mind-Body Connection Movie Trailer, Click Here.
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Cinema & Discussion events April 2015: Cinema & Discussion every Saturday during school term, special titles not to be missed! It's the Gathering that counts, an alternative social evening out where in-toxic-ation is not a feature, for your en-light-en-ment.
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Fossil fuel emissions spike the rates of lethal illnesses like cancer, killing millions of people – 2.8 million in China alone, according to the World Health Organization. The emissions cause dangerous tumors, such as the one investigative journalist Chai Jing believes complicated her newborn’s chances of survival. Her documentary on the pollution crisis, “Under The Dome,” took her country by storm before government officials had the documentary taken off of the Chinese internet, and ordered that the media cease discussing it. Even a public mention of that order itself resulted in the suspension of a China Business News reporter in Shanghai.
The BBC says that in the first 48 hours after its release, the documentary received a hundred million views. And in the days that followed, those views would expand into the hundreds of millions. Despite censoring of the film, Chai received praise from Chinese officials in immediate wake of its release – praise that included a grateful text message from the environmental protection minister. The Chinese live under a government wary of liberalism and Western influence, and the “Great Firewall” makes it more difficult to expose themselves to views from the outside.
KNOW your RIGHTS seminar in Deer Park 18th April 9am-5pm, "Those who don't know their rights have none!" see http://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar/ , or ask for an event in Upwey!
Tom Kenyon's Song of the New Earth & the power of sound, sound bath follows. Bookings: Call 03 9752 5838 or email gneo@yogaplex.com.au, or register at Facebook event Song of the New Earth in VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA. Also see the official website at Song of the New Earth at Magpie House Victoria Australia.
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See this Yoga Retreat at Melbourne Yoga & Meditation Meetup Event Yoga Retreat. All Levels are Welcome.
Magpie House Cinema April, May & June 2015:
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Yoga & Event pamphlet for February - March 2015: (more details below)
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NEW! for 2015: MMM ... MEDITATION & MIND OVER MATTER Study Group, 4 - 6pm Saturdays.
Begins Saturday 7th February 4pm. Take a magical inner journey, quieten the Internal Dialogue with Magical Passes philosophy & practice. Try not to miss this crucial first session offered as By Donation, others follow at a yoga class price. Complementing our "moving meditation" Hatha Yoga practice, develop skills to quieten the Internal Dialogue, let's face it, we're ALWAYS talking to ourselves & this is almost always "False". Or, whenever our journey is overwhelming, it's "False Evidence Appearing Real", for we exist beyond the realm that seems to be "unsafe" to live in. So What is Real?
"The subconscious mind is like a genie that serves up reality around you based on your expectation or what you think this reality should be." OCCOULIA Secret of Secrets - Moorpheus El
Experience your very own Holographic Disclosure with George Neo! Based on over 30 years study, practice & experience, we will study some of the most inspiring texts of all time (of this humanity at least). And yes, we'll be taking conceptual notes we can practice in our daily life & meditations, turning Thoughts into Words & eventually Deeds, fulfilling the 3 essential Tools of Creation.
Discover the "True" meaning of Asana, it's not just exercise! Why Saturday for Meditation, & our Spiritual Cinema & Discussion at 7:30pm? Saturdays are seen as "Party" night, well, here's a way to have a GREAT time without the peer-pressure of in-toxic-ation, ingesting substances we were NEVER supposed to ingest! Try not to miss any of these meditation sessions to retain continuity, & don't miss the first session.
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SPIRITUAL ALTERNATIVE/EDUCATIONAL CINEMA & Discussion 2015, Saturdays 7:30pm By Donation =
Special Events February 2015:
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Speaking From the Heart, Speaking Inside~Out", a workshop event with Dr Gary Wohlman, click here to book.
Speaking From the Heart, Speaking Inside~Out", a workshop event with Dr Gary Wohlman, click here to book.
Sunday, 22 March 2015 from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Want to Awaken your Creativity & feel young & at heart again?
Become an exceptional, dynamic & charismatic presenter with the Wohlman method!
DETAILS: An interactive opportunity to enhance the impact and effectiveness of your live presentations, facilitated by Dr Gary Wohlman, Communication Skills & Transformational Presentation Coach
This special event is for both seasoned professionals who wish to refine their skills on stage, and anyone else who has a message to share (a story to tell, a poem to recite, a song to sing, a delicate communication to practice). This is for both beginning speakers, people who wish to feel more confident in communicating clearly with others, as well as developing speakers on any stage of life.
MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."
Naturopath . . . . . . . . . . Hypnotherapy . . . . . . Chinese Medicine . . . . . Yoga School . . . . . . . Remedial Massage . . . . Spiritual Readings & Reiki
Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details. NEW! Psychic Medium Classes with Trevor Evans.
Click Here to learn of WiFi dangers on children, & consider signing this new petition =
Magpie House screens MOBILIZE 14th March 2015. Long-term health effects of cell phone radiation, includes cancer & infertility. Is this the ultimate de-population stealth weapon, destroying fertility? Click Here to watch 2-minute trailer.
Quick Summary for December 2014 (details further below):
1. New Paradigm video at Freedom Summit Melbourne 16 Nov, Click Here. Includes Electro-Radiation details.
2. Cinema this Sat'day 7:30pm E-MOTION, or releasing trapped Energy in Motion. 5 Minute Trailer.
- - - E-Motions are Records of the Past! 9-minute video on E-Motion & Electro-Radiation.
3. This Sunday, Mastering Presentation Skills workshop, Click Here to book, last chance!
4. Psychic Medium Show Friday 5th December, book 9752 5838 for discount.
5. Cinema 6th December ARMAGEDDON - the War Within. (Some disturbing scenes).
6. Chakra & Glands Yoga Workshop Sunday 14th December 9am - 1pm.
7. End of Season gathering 13th December 5pm with AFTER THIS LIFE screening 8pm.
_ _ _ Plus Post John of God & Crystal Bed Testimonials, please share or email your experiences.
Magpie House CONSENSUS versus DEMOCRACY Video Message recorded Sunday 16th November 2014, 12 minutes.
Click Here for Electromagnetic Survival Guide, sharing the Good News of a New Paradigm for Humanity, please comment!
Cinema Saturday 29th November = E-MOTION - The Movie - Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears & anxieties we hold in our bodies are the source of everything that ails us. Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart the perfect creation that's inside each of us as sacred, spiritual beings serving a much higher divine purpose. That's where we're going....
"MASTERING PRESENTATION SKILLS" Workshop Sunday 30th November 4:30pm to 8pm, :
Want to Awaken your Creativity & feel young & at heart again? Become an exceptional, dynamic & charismatic presenter with the Wohlman method.
Click Here to book this dynamic workshop!
Friday 5th December 7pm
with talented medium Trevor Evans at Magpie House Upwey. Plus Classes Wednesdays & Fridays, Develop your Psychic Potential! $10 booked or $15 door, call 9752 5838 or email reply for discount.
Cinema Saturday 6th December = ARMAGEDDON - the WAR WITHIN - contrary to popular belief, Armageddon is not a battle that can be fought and won on the battlefields of Man, but rather, a war that can only be won... within. (Warning: Contains some disturbing war scenes).
Chakra & Glands Yoga Workshop Sunday 14th December 9am - 1pm: Chakra Meditation followed by Chakra & Endocrine Glands Awakening Yoga Class. $60 or ask for donation.
Cinema Saturday 13th & 20th December = AFTER THIS LIFE - An ASTONISHING array of Spiritual Topics! Features an unheard-of ability to step into the Light & come back again, Not To Be Missed. 13th December is a special End of Season Food to Share evening with Live Music from 5pm.
Magpie House End-of-Season Gathering Saturday 13th December from 5pm =
* Live Ambient Music, bring Healthy Food to Share.
* AFTER THIS LIFE dvd screening 8pm - see an ASTONISHING array of topics further below.
* Post John of God & Crystal Bed Testimonials - a chance to share your stories of healings, visions & meditations that have been SENSATIONAL so far! Please write these to us if you can't make it. We were advised of the significant spiritual anchoring for the World & Humanity from this non-sectarian, non-judgemental, non-denonimational, non-religious, event in Australia.
FOR EXAMPLE: Hospitals in Brazil are installing Meditation rooms specifically for healing, where neither substances (pharmaceuticals) nor medical procedures are required for health & well being, we can encourage this here as well. Precisely what HEALING CONVERGENCE is about, Click Here for Part 3, comparing Highly Evolved versus Trans-humanist "Borg" society, the choice for Humanity is NOW! (Gratitudes to Channel 9 60 Minutes team for the free publicity!).
We're advised http://www.peoplepowervictoria.org.au/ will be contesting the forthcoming Victorian election, centred on respect for human rights, opposition to the mandated roll-out of wireless smart meters, & the commitment to re-establish a healthy environment for all. A Choice to Consider!
Below is an expanded Grounding section with more hints.
Related to the EARTHING book are these hints =
1. It's not just Electrons drawn up from the Earth through bare feet that provide health benefits. Feet soaked in herb-infused water is the early method used in Naturopathy, see http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm#ChrisTarget .
2. Champion racehorses are known to be bred from paddocks that feature a large variety of weeds. Walking barefoot on this variety of astringent substances absorbs essential nutrients for free, as well as minerals from soil.
3. 1mm diameter copper wire is around ten million atoms across, discharging spark-inducing static voltage very quickly without large movement of electrons. Electrons travel relatively slowly in "conductors" & take time to reach inner body organs, even though voltage can propogate approaching the speed of light.
4. 100k ohm resistors are used in wrist straps to prevent sparked body discharge, much like lightning through air. I've just measured my own skin resistance at 500k ohm, this varies widely with mood & health. Blood resistance could be far lower.
5. Think of the body as a large capacitor that can store a large quantity of electrons that prevent damaging oxidation similar to rusting of steel.
6. "Ringing Cedars" of Russia advises us to stand in soil when planting seeds coated in our saliva, to imbue energy in resulting fruit specifically for us, it "knows" us.
7. EATING Earth also has very dramatic benefits. Zeolite powder has the ability to trap & hold heavy metals, DDT, dioxins, PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, radioactives, & some viral particles in a micro-porous structure of strong negative charge via cation exchange. Strong anti-oxidant & alkaline quality traps damaging free radicals & buffers the body's pH. (Beware of Liquid Zeolite, a big pharma con?). Contact us for suggested product, broken mercury fillings prompted me to use it.
8. Running Barefoot generates less fore-foot impact shock than runners in sports shoes who land heel first. This makes barefoot running comfortable and could minimize running-related injuries. Try it & see!
Purchase the GROUNDED 2 movie we pre-viewed 1st November 2014:
Here's our very own interview = http://youtu.be/qr2jn4G_6DY ElectroMagnetic_Radiation_Survival_Guide_interview 86minutes
And links to the videos screened:
http://youtu.be/V_gOZDWQj3Q Paper_is_not_dead.mp4 1min
http://youtu.be/m7YKs5Hi_OQ Free_Wifi_Melbourne.mp4 2mins
http://youtu.be/T9DK0JThOio Agenda_21_Smart_Cities.mp4 11mins
http://youtu.be/8-xk7YunVhc Low_Battery.mp4 4 minutes Social Media Disease. If this video doesn't make you think twice about using your cell phone, nothing will.
http://youtu.be/Q8xz8xKEFvU Mobile Phone AppsCybersecurity_Expert_Gary_Miliefsky.mp4 5mins
http://youtu.be/cKNFrtcgUVA EMF_Adverse_Health_Effects.mp4 25mins
Nicole Bijlsma presenting The Adverse Health Effects Associated with EMF’s for. More info go to http://www.buildingbiology.com.au/ stopsmartmetersaustralia.com.au.
Sleeping Grounded products from http://www.barefoothealing.com.au/
For the EARTHING book http://www.barefoothealing.com.au/v/the-earthing-book/25
John of God Melbourne to Sydney Group Tour, please click here!
Magpie House Cinema & Events October to December 2014, CRYSTAL BED HEALING sessions Sunday 9th November following our very successful weekend 11-12th October 2014, book early & don't miss out! =
"TAKE BACK YOUR POWER" Community Screening, At Cameo Belgrave Monday 1st December 6:30pm for 7pm start (2014 Update). Learn why hundreds of local governments are standing against the rollout of Smart Grid technology. Click Here to book this award-winning cinema with Question-Answer information session on your rights, safety, privacy, & health. Click Here for how the Smart Grid manifests "Borg" society, with George Neo. We Will Be Assimilated, if we're not careful!
CRYSTAL BED HEALING weekend at Magpie House, 9th November, limited sessions, Book Now! If the Group Tour isn't convenient, then try this, designed by Divine Light Beings through John of God entities. Healing Convergence talk PART 2 introduces Crystal Bed Healing. Related Event:
John of God pre-event gathering Sunday 9th November 3-5pmpm at Magpie House 48 Main St Upwey, please email reply your attendance or any issues. Vital event information will be shared, & we can finalise accomodation & travel with any further late bookings.
SPIRITUAL CINEMA & Discussion, Saturdays 7:30pm By Donation =
11th October = LIVING WITHOUT MONEY - Parasite, or Visionary? Is it possible to feel rich without possessions? Does money define who we are and how much we are worth? Meet the German woman who made a deliberate choice to live without money 14 years ago. One day she cancelled her flat, donated all of her belongings and started a new life based on exchanging favors – without the use of money. The experiences she made totally changed her outlook on life. While some get angry and call her a parasite, others think she is a visionary and a great source of inspiration.
18th October = PARANORMAL DOCUMENTARY - A journey of discovery into the fascinating, mysterious and, at times, controversial world of paranormal investigation. Based mainly in New England, New Gravity Media touches base with some of the regions most respected paranormal researchers, mediums, scientists, skeptics, and of course... ghosts. NGM brings you an in depth "behind the scenes" look at the subject that has the world afraid to sleep alone.
25th October = BRAIN-STRUCTURED ENLIGHTENMENT - the Brain in Religious & Mystic Experience. Neuroscientist and author Todd Murphy, explores an hypothesis about what happens in the brain when a person attains enlightenment. Using concepts in neurotheology developed by Michael A. Persinger (inventor of the God Helmet), Murphy (inventor of the 8 Coil Shakti neural stimulation system) explores the brain's role in enlightenment as understood in Buddhism. The talk also looks at the self (or sense of self), and how it's place as a brain function allows it to be flexible enough to change as a person becomes enlightened. It examines a few case histories, including those of Ramana Maharishi, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, The Buddha, and some others.
1st November = GROUNDED 2 - Electro-Hypersensitivity Remedy? Grounding or Earthing is defined as placing one's bare feet on the ground whether it be dirt, grass, sand, or concrete (especially when humid or wet). When you ground to the electron-enriched earth, an improved balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system occurs. The earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for proper functioning of immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes and may actually be the most effective, essential, least expensive, and easiest to attain antioxidant. Modern science has thoroughly documented the connection between inflammation and all of the chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging and the aging process itself. It is important to understand that inflammation is a condition that can be reduced or prevented by grounding your body to the Earth, the way virtually all of your ancestors have done for hundreds if not thousands of generations.
8th November = BORN to an ILLUMINATI FAMILY - Global domination, an insider speaks. For millennia humanity has been manipulated, controlled & guided to the position in which we currently find ourselves...under the yoke of a New World Order, born of hundreds, if not thousands of years in the making. This plan for global domination is nearing its pernicious, insidious end - a return to serfdom for us, our children and future generations... Yes, we seek solutions in taking on this manipulation. Yes, we seek to network and organise to fight back... but unless we know who the manipulators are, their history and their modus operandi, then we cannot hope to bring this nightmare to an end. Born to an illuminati family, his mother worked for MI5, Grandfather a British Diplomat, Freemason and member of MI6, Simon will take you on journey exposing the workings and values of such families and their connections to hostile beings!
15th November = TRUTH about DEPRESSION - People battle with chronic depression for decades. It is extraordinary that thousands of us will suffer from depression and yet so many people will feel the need to hide it. Why? Because of the stigma. People with depression are judged to be weak. Some people even go so far as they think it does not exist. Stephen Nolan wanted to find out the real truth about depression.
The part of the brain responsible for memory and emotion is the hippocampus. It is there that depression shows up. What's fascinating is that hippocampus in depressed people behaves differently than the hippocampus in those with without the illness. Professor Ian Anderson is leading the research.
But, there's been quite a number of studies which have suggested that people who are depressed don't just have an alteration of how the brain's working but also actually in the structure of the brain. As Anderson studied the hippocampus he found a striking decrease in the massive gray matter in people who are depressed. This is about a 25 percent decrease, which is quite a striking and staggering change in fact.
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Please see AMISH PARADISE & Universal Brotherhood cinema on Facebook, Saturday 13th September 2014 =
Please see HEALING CONVERGENCE Talk on Facebook, Sunday 14th September 3-5pm =
CLICK HERE = PART 1 Spiritual Cures. _ _ _ _ _ PART 2 Crystal Bed Healing. _ _ _ _ _ PART 3 Technological Singularity.
Psychic Medium classes Wednesdays 7-10pm, Fridays 10:30am - 3pm:
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Magpie House Cinema & Events July to September 2014, Another CRYSTAL BED HEALING weekend 11-12th October 2014, book early & don't miss out! =
CRYSTAL BED HEALING weekend at Magpie House, 13-14 September, limited sessions, Book Now! If the Group Tour isn't convenient, then try this, designed by Divine Light Beings through John of God entities. Related Events:
1. John of God Healing Tour Update, cheap flights, accomodation, & gatherings with Crystal Bed Healing sessions (see attached), that John of God Entities commonly prescribe. Not too late to join the tour, see http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/Booking.htm for more details, or let others know!
2. John of God talk scheduled for Sunday 31st August 2014 at the Mornington Nexus Forum group, Benton Rd Community Centre 145 Benton Rd Mornington 1pm - 3:30pm. The benefits of Crystal Bed Healing will also be presented, & sessions can be booked at Magpie House for the full Saturday & Sunday weekend 13th & 14th September. 30 minutes $40 no consultation, or 60 minutes $80 with consultation.
3. Sunday 14th September 3-5pm is a pre-event gathering at Magpie House 48 Main St Upwey, please email reply your attendance or any issues. Vital event information will be shared, & we can finalise accomodation & travel with any further late bookings. Bring cash or cheque or we'll arrange another bank transfer for accomodation. BOOK A CRYSTAL BED HEALING SESSION NOW between 10am-6pm Saturday & Sunday via email reply, or call 03 9752 5838, limited sessions available.
SPIRITUAL CINEMA features FREEDOM, Saturdays 7:30pm By Donation =
19th July = COURTS AFRAID of LAWFUL REBELLION - describes how the English Courts are now afraid of being confronted in court by the Lawful Rebellion movement which says the Judges are corrupt and are not following Common Law anymore. He also explains the workings of the Lawful Bank which will run parallel to the regular banks which are based upon debt. A whole new system based on Common Law...Banks and the Courts.
26th July = FEDERAL RESERVE CENTURY of ENSLAVEMENT - What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the Federal Government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? "War. Poverty. Revolution. They all hinge on economics. And economics all rests on one key concept: money. It is the economic water in which we live our lives. We even call it 'currency'; it flows around us, carries us in its wake. Drowns those who are not careful. We use it every day in nearly every transaction we conduct. We spend our lives working for it, worrying about it, saving it, spending it, pinching it. It defines our social status. It compromises our morals. People are willing to fight, die and kill for it."
2nd August = INTERNET FREEDOM & SOCIAL JUSTICE - The film follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the Internet. But it was Swartz's groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing combined with his aggressive approach to information access that ensnared him in a two-year legal nightmare. It was a battle that ended with the taking of his own life at the age of 26. Aaron's story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity. This film is a personal story about what we lose when we are tone deaf about technology and its relationship to our civil liberties.
9th August = AMERICAN CONSTITUTION INDIAN RESERVATION - "The Constitution is an Indian document and that's why I love it!" American Indian Russell Means gives an eye-opening 90 minute interview in which he explains how Native Americans and Americans, in general are all imprisoned within one huge reservation, citing how so many of current US laws were originally hatched on Indian reservations.
Listen to this fascinating and deeply perceptive telling of US history by this very wise man.
"The history of the American and the history of the Indian have now come full circle and are intertwined in the dictatorial policies of those that control the monetary system of America," remarks Means.
The Constitution was based on the treaties among the Iroquois Confederation, which existed before the arrival of Europeans.
16th August = Cinema Cancelled, Magpie House Snow Weekend, you'd be mad to miss out! Or, make sure you do NOT miss this next year. Namaste!
23rd August = SECRETS of the ILLUMINATI - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History and Secrets of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization.
30th August = AFTER LIFE EXPERIENCES - Dannion Brinkley has had 3 NDE's (near death experiences) since 1975. Dannion's NDE is perhaps the worlds most well known, officially dead for over 28 minutes, he has written three best selling books about his experiences. It was Dannion's first NDE that brought the terms NDEs and Near Death Experiences into mainstream consciousness.
6th September = SHADOWS OF ZIONISM - Presents not just the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, but also the core reason for it: the Zionist ideology, its goals (past and present) and its firm grip not only on Israeli society, but also, increasingly, on the perception of Middle East issues in Western democracies. These concepts have already been demonstrated in the excellent 'Occupation 101' documentary, made by Abdallah Omeish and Sufyan Omeish, but in my documentary, I approach the subject from the perspective of an Israeli, ex-reserve soldier and someone who has spent his entire life in the shadow of Zionism. The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State.
13th September = LEAVING AMISH PARADISE - Community traditions too good to be true! An extraordinary insight into the secretive world of the Old Order Amish of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. When two radical Amish men, Ephraim and Jesse Stoltzfus, start to question some of the most fundamental aspects of their Amish culture, they face excommunication from their church and total rejection by their friends and family.
20th September = HUMANS OUTSMART COMPUTERS versus TRANSHUMANS - Mental calculators are people with a prodigious ability in some area of mental calculation, such as multiplying large numbers or factoring large numbers. Some rare mental calculators are autistic savants, with a narrow area of great skill and poor mental development in other directions, but many are people of normal mental development who have simply developed advanced calculating ability. As for Transhumanism, This is an eerie, bizarre - but entertaining mash-up of coverage on scientific developments, regarding the human genome and the nascent ability to design future humans. Clearly, such developments must have must have gone much further than those publicly announced.
There are manifold philosophical and spiritual ramifications to all of this, too many to even fathom, really.
The viewer is free to make up his or her own mind about the dawning of this Post-Human World.
Magpie House Cinema & Events June 2014, John of God Healing gathering 27th June =
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* Centralised control of ALL resources.
* Smart Meter monitoring of ALL energy.
* Massive in-home data collection.
* Forced home appliance replacements.
* Mandatory radio frequency appliances.
* Government Energy Audits of all homes.
* "Agenda 21" takeover of local communities.
* Toxic chemical weather modification (geoengineering or Chemtrails) to so-called "save" the climate.
RADIATION SURVIVAL GUIDE interview packed with information = WATCH ON YOUTUBE. Dvds also available for Take Back Your Power, email or telephone to order. If we value freedom, this gathering may be a place to start as the current age descends into corporatized chaos. Highly recommended! ===> "Meditation brings peace but it does not remove the necessity for choice & action." I Ching 22
More Michael Jackson re-creation LIVE from our Brazil tour. ===> "I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde. See http://youtu.be/2UReOMg8keA , http://youtu.be/HcbWgCACms4 & http://youtu.be/flQu_z4w4mU, enjoy!
NEW! Saturdays 2-3pm, Magical Passes Shamanic Theory & Practice, the Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico ($10 casual in June 2014). Features =
* Simple moves that ALL levels can access, restore youth at ANY age.
* No prior exercise necessary - this modality may be for YOU where others have failed!
* Left-Right co-ordination that "re-wires" the brain.
* Shuts down the "internal dialogue" (do we not talk to ourselves, all the time?).
* Energetic but has physical side-effect benefits.
* Leads to profound states of well-being.
* The "mindfulness" practice shuts down the busy, stressed mind. A moving meditation!
* Sharing an indeterminate depth of shamanic knowledge. TOPICS = Rituals+Incantations+Hocus-Pocus, Sobriety, Strategy, Fear, Humour, Impeccability, Intent, Will, Excercise, Poetry. And, Encountering the Infinite!
===> "Not wanting anything is a warrior's finest attainment." Tales of Power
Here's some GREAT news about this transitional time for the human race! An extract of my own Sub-Conscious Writing (Akashic Records), written 14th December 2012 (let us know if you like, we can release lots more into a book!) =
Q. We've heard a lot about 2012, in regards to Galactic Alignment, & 21st December 2012, if there is truly significance to this time & date, please describe.
A: The 21st December 2012 "portal" is on everyone's minds, & so, this trigger for mass consciousness WILL have significance regardless of whether it has Mayan, Egyptian, Biblical significance or whatever. Similar to your Yoga Teaching practice, it is a "mind trick" in order to stimulate change in a malleable universe composed entirely of "mind-stuff".
Q: Was the "date" deliberately programmed so that with the progress of high-technology mass telecommunications would spread the word of a "date of Significance" even though it could have been any other date?
A: Yes - Timing was deemed "critical" in order to create maximum effect - & you are correct - we tapped into "future energy" to ascertain the technological marvel of the Internet into virtually every home world-wide - wouldn't you say we timed this well?
Q: Perfectly, the www is large enough for the unifying mass communications affect & there is talk of now regulatory control of the www, you couldn't have left it any later!
A: Correct, the "controlling elite" as you call it have realised their "mistake" (that we helped engineer) of allowing free & unhindered access to this technological marvel & so now are "desperate" to prevent the now inevitable outcome.
Q. That includes proliferation of the "dark agendas" & the like (chemtrails, GM food, water fluorodation & chlorination, wireless proliferation, codex legislation, debt-induced monetary control, etc) that serve to keep us busy & to literally poison our collective awakening through activation of pineal gland etc.
A. Yes, & as you are now thinking the www is merely a stepping-stone toward a collective global www of inuitive, psycho-spiritual connection WITHOUT the use of technology, where what is known by one will be known by all.
Q. This won't happen overnight will it.
A. Definitely not - if we do not time significant events precisely, the transformational energies would by dispersed into insignificance.
Q. So you use Illusion upon Illusion in order to bring us out of Illusion.
A. Nicely described, it's a result of "capturing the attention" of mass consciousness in order to bring about a desired affect, a process you are already familiar with. Resorting to trickery are acceptable ploys to the Spirit as the human mind & ego carry a huge momentum that does not serve the greater good such as the very survival of the human race.
Send me an email commenting on the above revelations!
1. Yogaplex Yoga school, the finest in Hatha Yoga, 8 classes per week! The ULTIMATE Mindful Joyful therapy for physical & mental well-being. Manage stress, feel alive!
2. Psychic Medium Development Classes Wednesdays 7-10pm & Fridays 10:30am-3pm.
3. Power of Soul Meditation & Chanting Tuesdays 8-10pm.
Magpie House Cinema May 2014, special John of God Healing gathering 31st May =
_ _ _ _
Our Sacred Pilgramage to Brazil & Peru April 2014 included =
_ * ABADIANIA BRAZIL - John of God healing experience central Brazil.
_ * CUZCO PERU - Inkan city at 3300m elevation blended with colonial architecture.
_ * SACRED VALLEY of the INKAS - Terraced farming communities, 6000m peaks surround.
_ * URUBAMBA Terraced City Ruins & original ancient town, a Pleiades connection.
_ * MACHU PICCHU City Ruins. Spectacular! plus Sun Temple & Inka Bridge.
_ * PUNO on LAKE TITICACA, inland sea stretching 170km at 3800m elevation.
_ * TAQUILA, peaceful island community of 450 families & timeless cycles, not calendars.
_ * LLACON Homestay in mud huts & reed roof, traditional family sacred rural lifestyle.
_ * UROS Floating Islands, hundreds of homes float on reed base & stems, amazing!
COMMUNITY, Intentional or Not, featured strongly in this tour, as opposed to the Big City model that may feature a "Use By" date =
_ * John of God "Casa" (or "House"), a dynamic community attracting millions of people worldwide.
_ * Timeless Ancient Inkan terraced farming communities in Peru interrupted by a European invasion.
_ * TAQUILA Island (within Lake Titicaca Peru) is small enough not to "require" cars nor mainstream utilities (electricity, water & gas), yet is a thriving, largely self-sufficient community supporting over 2000 people or 450 families. Their "Cycles of Life" are considered sacred, their "laws" are merely 3 simple guidelines: 1) Integrity, Do Not Lie! 2) Work Hard (except Sundays) for the good of the whole community (do not be lazy), 3) Do Not Steal.
_ * UROS Floating Islands (within Lake Titicaca Peru) as a community is absolutely remarkable. Originally constructed to avoid invading tribes, the tradition continues with hundreds of floating homes where many technologies & utilities are totally impractical. Reeds are 1) floatation below, 2) "land" above, 3) floors, walls & roof of homes, & 4) Food once stems are peeled. Neither "Rubbish" nor "Waste" feature in these communities.
_ * (Major cities we visited in both Brazil & Peru, while unique & remarkable in their own ways, do not feature the Intentional Community model).
If you are considering "Intentional Community" or getting away from the "Rat Race", both Taquila & Uros are unique naturally occuring "self-sufficient" communities that have formed an inter-dependence with the outside world with a very busy tourist trade that does NOT interfere with their timeless lifestyle. REMARKABLE, & worthy of study. Perhaps such models can be utilised in mainland-based intentional community.
We've called our tour "Sacred" & a "Pilgramage" as 1) John of God represents some of the most powerful "evidence" that "Reality is NOT what it seems" & 2) Models for thriving Intentional Community exist, by necessity, on these islands that we can aspire to.
Dance against Monsanto Saturday 24th May 2014 =
Fabulous Alternative / Educational Magpie House Cinema for March / April 2014 =
"RESONANT MEDICINE" Exhibition & Talk Friday 4th April 7pm with Dr Faye Stone - By Donation bring food to share, Magpie House Upwey end-of-term gathering. See ENERGY FIELDS REVEALED poster. (At Last! A technology that SEES subtle energy lines).
Awakening of Humanity on YouTube (please spread far & wide!)
AWAKENING of HUMANITY Part One with Nino Borsari 94 minutes
AWAKENING of HUMANITY Part Two Earth Changes 63 minutes
(poster further below).
COMMENTARY = In paradigm-changing times, big cities & fragile coasts are attractive options but other long-term options may be considered. Quoting the Golden Age of Gaia & backed up by Bruce Lipton in "Spontaneous Evolution" =
BAD NEWS = "The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away."
GOOD NEWS = "The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away."
Our "Choice" is in making the pattern GOOD news by not resisting change. Here's the full quote =
The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away. Everything, every last vestige of pollution, caused by the over-cutting of forests, the wanton pillaging of resources, destruction of water through unbalanced industrial activities such as fracking, oil and natural gas drilling, over-building of heavy structures and concrete which prevent the earth from breathing… all these things and more will be swept from the planet.
We hear some of you ask one another, “What will be left of our world?”
When you say, “our world”, you are not speaking of the planet, of the soil, water and air that are so vital for all life to exist here. No, you are speaking of your cell phones, your vehicles, your comfortable heated and cooled houses that you reside within, despite the fact that the other 80% of humanity barely exists at poverty levels in substandard housing and with no sewers, electricity or running water.
YOGAPLEX YOGA SCHOOL WORKSHOP 15-16 March 2014 - Experiential Lightness of Being =
Recent Shed Yoga Demo http://youtu.be/OT9M0zPmlQk , a Padmasana special. Click here
A unique blend of lunge practice that can dramatically improve full Ashtanga Vinyasa poses with deep controlled intensity, & the super-restorative value of child-pose variations to soothe & restore an intensely worked body, mind & spirit in ways never before presented outside of Yogaplex Yoga School in Upwey. Teachers & Established Yoga students will benefit.
The unique approach avoids many of the issues & injuries that yoga students aspire to overcome, & can be a "fast-track" toward developing an advanced & safe core-strength practice. Therefore, ALL levels from beginner to advanced will benefit without "thrashing" the body with mindless over-intensity.
In our prior Magical Passes workshop, teachings advocate that in order to navigate safely into other dimensions, we have to be extremely sober, cautious, skillful, and in superb physical condition. Here is that opportunity.
When: Saturday 3-5pm & Sunday 10am-12:30pm & 3-5pm 15-16th March 2014
Where: Yogaplex Yoga School at Magpie House Wholistic Centre Upwey
Cost: $40 per module or $100 for all 3
Contact: George Neo gneo@yogaplex.com.au
Super Hip-Restorative shown here, combining deep hip flexion & external rotation. Try it & see! And if it don't feel right, a uniquely advanced senior yoga teacher is advised!
Please LIKE our Facebook page for the Very Best in Body, Mind, Spirit, & Yoga! see =
Magpie House Facebook Community Page.
Awakening of Humanity on YouTube (please spread far & wide!)
AWAKENING of HUMANITY Part One with Nino Borsari 94 minutes
AWAKENING of HUMANITY Part Two Earth Changes 63 minutes
Final Call for AWAKENING of HUMANITY Public Talk with hypnotherapist Nino Borsari Friday 28th Feb 7-10pm at Unity of Melbourne, 4 Renown St Burwood Book 9752 5838. Book Now for half-price discount, reply email to gneo@yogaplex.com.au , just $10, limit 2 per email.
Messages from the Future - The Current Awareness Quantum Leap & You. A joint Magpie House & Nexus Forum event, see http://www.magpiehouse.com.au .
Hypnotherapist Nino Borsari shares the very unique information derived from many hundreds of Deep Hypnosis sessions from hundreds of clients who have traveled back in time as well as forward into the potential futures - while being under clinical Hypnosis. Revealing some very valuable insights into our future evolution amongst other things.
See www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for private sessions with Clinical Hypnotherapist Nino specialising in past-life regression & Soul Awakening Therapies.
* Or Click Here for Clinical Hypnotherapy with Nino. *
Cinema Events Early March 2014 (full descriptions below):
Magpie House Spiritual Cinema WATER - THE GREAT MYSTERY - 8th MARCH 2014
Communal gathering discussion forum of Vision, Passion, & Action every Saturday 7:30pm, see http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/ .
That Which Is Yielding, Conquers the Strong, & the Soft overcomes the Hard. Nothing in the world is softer & more yielding than Water, yet it wears down the hard & strong. In this amazing film, we can see that science has made a quantum leap into understanding how mind can be recorded by the most simple element in nature (water) and on the periodic table: H20. If water has memory, and its main component being hydrogen, then the whole universe would have memory. This movie spans the globe to reveal recent discoveries about water, the most amazing yet least studied substance in the world. Witness as researchers, scientists, philosophers and theologians try to understand this unique liquid and all its miraculous properties still waiting to be discovered.
Where: Yogaplex Yoga School at Magpie House, 48 Main Street Upwey.
When: Sat 8th March 2014 7:30pm, start 8pm. Cost: By Donation
Communal gathering discussion forum of Vision, Passion, & Action every Saturday 7:30pm, see web list.
Dane Wigington presents hard data, which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site -- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and share this information far and wide.
Where: Yogaplex Yoga School at Magpie House, 48 Main Street Upwey.
When: Sat 15th March 2014 7:30pm, start 8pm. Cost: By Donation
A unique blend of lunge practice that can dramatically improve full Ashtanga Vinyasa poses with deep controlled intensity, & the super-restorative value of child-pose variations to soothe & restore an intensely worked body, mind & spirit in ways never before presented outside of Yogaplex Yoga School in Upwey. Teachers & Established Yoga students will benefit.
The unique approach avoids many of the issues & injuries that yoga students aspire to overcome, & can be a "fast-track" toward developing an advanced & safe core-strength practice. Therefore, ALL levels from beginner to advanced will benefit without "thrashing" the body with mindless over-intensity.
In our prior Magical Passes workshop, teachings advocate that in order to navigate safely into other dimensions, we have to be extremely sober, cautious, skillful, and in superb physical condition. Here is that opportunity.
When: Saturday 3-5pm & Sunday 10am-12:30pm & 3-5pm 15-16th March 2014
Where: Yogaplex Yoga School at Magpie House Wholistic Centre Upwey
Cost: $40 per module or $100 for all 3
Contact: George Neo gneo@yogaplex.com.au
Super Hip-Restorative shown here, combining deep hip flexion & external rotation. Try it & see! And if it don't feel right, a uniquely advanced senior yoga teacher is advised!
Recent Shed Yoga Demo http://youtu.be/OT9M0zPmlQk , a Padmasana special.
Machu Picchu Peru / John of God Brazil Tour, join us for an adventure + healing trip of a lifetime in April 2014. No time to waste, fully self-made itinerary available that minimises costs. Request email itinerary. The Very First 1912 photo is below!
Santos Bonacci (Mr AstroTheology) speaks on Natural Law as opposed to an unlawful, unconstitutional system of governance. Magpie House 80 minute interview at http://youtu.be/Dnqxhq5N0FM .
* Or Click Here to watch on YouTube. * The Questions for this interview are below. Enjoy, & be En-Light-Ened!
1. Who are we speaking with here today, SANTO BONACCI, do you have "status" as a fictional creature of the State, or "standing" as a living human being with flesh & blood & arms & legs?
2. Please describe the events that led up to your arrest, the Court proceedings so far, & the implications of this into the future.
3. Are you unemployed as the Herald-Sun proposes? Could Herald-Sun instead report you are Principal of the Universal Truth School with specially recognised status as a "Minister of Religion"?
4. Are you attending the “administrative court” 1st April Fools day 2014, or would you seek a Common Law "venue of justice" in advance?
5. Can you ask of the "administrative court", are my Human Rights to be protected, & would the Magistrate clearly identify themselves with two forms of id? If Silence ensues, is there a perogative to leave?
6. The Channel 7 street interview questioned why you seek to be exempt from paying toll charges, when everyone else pays. Was there "taxpayer" consent, & are we in addition enriching private interests with tolls? Did it "fix" the traffic problems, or merely attract a lot more cars & made traffic & pollution a lot worse?
7. If we TRULY CARED for each other, why would we need Economic, Political, Religious, Military, Industrial, Technological, Social, Constitutional, Moral etc solutions to an obvious "Extinction Event", does not Spirituality transcend ALL these?
8. In which case, isn't our SPIRITUALITY, our DIVINE RIGHTS, the TRUE KEY to our FREEDOM? As well as the Christian Bible, could we quote the Bhagavad Gita, or Koran, or the Celestine Prophecy series etc as Divinely Inspired texts, acknowledging the Creator as the ONLY "authority" as opposed to "statutes"?
9. Doesn't PROTEST merely acknowledge a VICTIM mindset? Why not NON-CONSENT with "I DO NOT WISH TO CONTRACT WITH YOU"?
10. Quoting Buckminster Fuller = "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." Is knowledge of Astrotheology, therefore, a Key?
11. Is not a Petition, where Anti-McDonalds groups gathered 100,000 signatures, by definition, "Petite" & have no real substance? Would a collective refusal to pay Council Rates have been more effective?
12. How come the deployment of enormous Smart Grid towers, in addition to Mobile Phone towers, around the suburbs in 2013 does NOT require ANY public consultation, nor "permits", when I cannot even put a chair on the footpath without a "permit"?
13. On the last two points, was 2013 the year that it become OBVIOUS that the People have NO CONTROL over their local Communities? Isn't it time to WAKE UP!!!???
14. Does this adequately describe Corporatised Governments? =
15. In terms of Paying Rates, there's an enormously powerful emotional argument of "well, who pays for Community Infrastructure"?
16. Know much about the Three Tools of Creation: Thought (Vision), Word (Co-Create), Deed (Act)?
17. Can we rely on just "blissing out", via hemp or cannabis or not, as in "Meditation brings peace but it does not remove the necessity for choice & action." I Ching 22
18. How about THIS comment on "blissing out" = "Most people, especially nice, spiritual people, don't know about the murderous thought system that runs this universe. Real peace is found by undoing the ego, not covering it over." Isn't True Spirituality related to dis-arming the Ego?
19. Would you comment on the Buckminster Fuller statement = "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
20. Are not "in-toxic-ation" & "dope" are well named? Isn't Sobriety the path of Spirituality? Do not disciplines like Yoga or Tai Chi generate a "natural high" instead?
21. As much of the "New Age" movement is derived from psychotropic substances, is it therefore a distorted reality?
22. Although Cannabis & Hemp are one of the most useful products known to mankind, please comment on "Power plants are an excellent way to stop the internal dialogue, but cause untold damage to the body." - Tales of Power.
23. So, what is the VISION Santo is working with? Shall we do this in the context of "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."? - Japanese Proverb. Recall the 3 tools of Creation =
Thought (Vision), Word (Co-Create), Deed (Act).
24. The BAD news is that =
The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away.
And the GOOD news is that =
The earth is undergoing a pattern of cleansing. All that belonged to the old paradigm will be swept away.
Which do we choose? How about the "New Paradigm", why save the "Old" one?
25. FINALLY, the "extinction event" must happen for those who choose to declare themselves as "victims" (by PROTESTING) rather than "co-creators" (empowered by NON-CONSENT), otherwise we are obstructing their "free-will" to do so. Never mind about "politically correct", is this "spiritually correct"?
MAGPIE HOUSE CINEMA February 2014: HOLOGRAPHIC DISCLOSURE 7:30pm Sat'days 15th, 22nd Feb & 1st March 2014, By Donation. "Time for the veil to come down and expose the truth about our reality. The freedom and liberty of eternal paradise is ours." NEO is BACK, see BEYOND EYES of the MATRIX! awareness explosion at Magpie House.
2014 TERM 1 NEWS, begins Monday 27th January 2014.
Welcome Back to Magpie House / Yogaplex Yoga School, term begins Monday 27th Janurary, a Sensational start for 2014 ! please LIKE our Facebook page for the Very Best in Body, Mind, Spirit, & Yoga! see =
Magpie House Facebook Community Page.
Please view this staggeringly beautiful display at Pleiades Subaru Dance, a blending of Dance & Light that confirms the Age of Light ! Bruce Lipton's SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION cinema this Sat'day 1st Feb 7:30pm celebrates this dawning. Don't Miss It!
_ _ _
Spontaneous Evolution Cinema introduced by our Therapists who recently attended Bruce Lipton's seminar in person =
* Faye Stone, Chinese Medicine & Life System Biofeedback *
* Elizabeth Lawrentjew, Spiritual Readings, Reiki & Spiritual Healing *
More Sensational February 2014 Events, see mini-posters below (bookings NOW, please email reply) =
1. YOGAPLEX YOGA TERM begins Monday 27th January 2014, 9 classes per week of the Very Best in Hatha Yoga! 10 weeks $170, twice per week $270, unlimited $330. Deposits now welcome, full timetable resumes.
2. The Secret of Life Wellness with renowned healer Inna Segal Sunday 9th February 6-9pm.
3. Athol Park's Manifesting Abundance workshop Sunday 16th February 9am-5pm.
4. Awakening of Humanity Public Talk with Nino Borsari Sunday 23rd February 6-9pm in Burwood.
_ _ Sunday 9th February 6-9pm _ _ _ _ Sunday 16th February 9am-5pm _ _ _ _ Sunday 23rd February 6-9pm
Spiritual Cinema for February 2014, every Sat'day 7:30pm with music open stage before =
1st Feb 2014: _ Bruce Lipton's SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION.
8th Feb: _ WASTE: _ Transforming The Throw Away Society. What is the real cost to business and the community? toward a less wasteful, more profitable and environmentally sustainable society.
15th, 22nd Feb & 1st of March: _ HOLOGRAPHIC DISCLOSURE. "Everything that you think as being real, and true, will fade away. Time for veil to come down and expose the truth about our reality. Get ready to move away from the trance state and re-connect to our original awareness and wisdom state. The freedom and liberty of eternal paradise is ours." An amazing five hours not to be missed, we suggest in communion with others at our regular gatherings.
Newly released Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide e-book from www.amazon.com/dp/B00HKMCQEY , just $3.50. Dvds also available for Take Back Your Power, email or telephone to order.
Recent Events Below from 2013 =
PHILIPPINES RECOVERY FUNDRAISER Sat'day 21st Dec 2013, a special Christmas gift from you!
## 10am Super-Restorative Yoga Class ## Therapists All Day ## Food & Music 5-8pm ## Cinema 8pm AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS ##
_ _ _
And of course, 21st Dec 2012 Mayan Calendar Anniversary, 2012 Crossing Over TRAILER or FULL UPDATED MOVIE .
Master Sha's Power of Soul Meditation & Chanting group =
Every Tuesday 8 till 9:30pm, plus Light Supper.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Food-Swap-Buy-Meet Last Saturday Every Month.
WiFi Dangers, see video at www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org =
WiFi Dangers & Deformed Animals =
On-Going Campaigns =
March Against McDonald's in Tecoma video March 2013 = Click Here! Also see http://www.burgeroff.org/
2012: Crossing Over, A New Beginning Movie, now with over 700,000 views, click for a free viewing!
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, Two Minutes
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, One Minute
Chemtrails over Upwey Two Minutes
Chemtrails over Canberra Incredible! A few minutes.
Another Chemtrail over Upwey! Two Minutes
AUSTRALIANS AGAINST CHEMTRAILS PROTEST Meetup Group Sunday 20th January 2013 =
Truth-Seekers-Melbourne-Meetup-Event _ Click here
Awareness at last grows of this diabolical military/government agenda. Here's a recent 21st Dec 2012 chemtrail, directly over Upwey =
Filthy Chemtrail Over Upwey Dec 2012 _ Click here
Please open your eyes, & support!
* HOME *
Yoga, Dance, Pilates, Meditation, Naturopathy, Hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression, Traditional Chinese & Biological Energetic Medicine, Spiritual+Ecological+Nutritional Cinema & more!
MAGPIE - symbol of yin-yang, harmony & balance, the union of two opposites that are equal - of occult knowledge & the correct use of its teachings. The Magpie, as a member of the Crow family, is a doorkeeper to new & other realms, allowing only those who understand the balance of the Universal laws & teachings to venture through.
* HOME *
* CLICK HERE for Yogaplex Yoga School + Yoga Teacher Training Melbourne *
* Power Ashtanga Hot Yoga Classes with Iyengar Yoga Precision Melbourne Victoria Australia *
* Gentle Yoga Therapy to Advanced, Beginners+Pre/Post Natal Welcome, plus Yoga Retreats *
_ PREVIEW VIDEOS (timetable & more videos at http://www.yogaplex.com.au ) =
Basic Warrior Dance All Levels _ _ _ _ _ _ Handstand Salute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Backbend Drop Back
_ _ ( ** Double Speed ** )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fierce concentration _ _ _ _ _ _ Intensity of Physical/Mental Stability
* Past Wholistic Cinema Events
* Other Past Events (psychic, workshops, etc)
* Magpie House Mission Statement
* Magpie House Photos/Graphics & Magpie Cafe
Spiritual/Alternative Cinema November 2013, Psychic Medium classes continue:
_ _ _ _ _ Open Stage Music from 6pm, indoor or outdoor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Please arrive 7:30pm for 8pm start.
Less than 30 microwatt/m2 in 2005 ( 0.03mW/m2 ) , 10mW/m2 in 2012. Deformities in children are next, & the total collapse of the immune system. See =
http://youtu.be/fnR7fkibQ9E SmartMeterTowersAnimation31aug2013.mp4 8mins
Spiritual/Alternative Cinema October 2013, Psychic Medium classes continue:
_ _ _ _ _ Open Stage Music from 6pm, indoor or outdoor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Please arrive 7:30pm for 8pm start.
Trailers for these movies =
FOUR HORSEMEN Sat'day 12th Oct 7:30pm two minute trailer
SAMSARA Sat'day 19th Oct 7:30pm one minute trailer
JOHN OF GOD HEALING DVD Sat'day 26th Oct 7:30pm 4 minute trailer
John of God Healing DVD Cinema & Discussion Saturday 26th October 7:30pm.
Challenge your basic concept of "Reality" at our mind-expanding Cinema this Saturday 26th October 2013. Has the potential to change your beliefs & change your life.
One of the most powerful & respected healers in the world today, our trek to Brazil could be as early as December, here’s an amazing preview not to be missed.
TAKE BACK YOUR POWER Final Version screening Friday 8th November at Unity of Melbourne, 4 Renown St Burwood.
The "Expert Panel" consists of those actively asserting their lawful birthrights by refusing consent & those that interpret technical data with regards to the dangers of wireless radiation. Detailed information of this Biggest Big Brother Surveillance Issue of All Time at
Consider joining this Truth Seekers Meetup Group with hundreds of others welcoming these times of great awakening - see 2012 Crossing Over EXTENDED TRAILER 6minutes Friday 8th November at Unity of Melbourne, 4 Renown St Burwood.
Dandy Ranges Relief Service Fundraiser Concert Friday 1st November 5-11pm, just $5 minimum, hot food available. No alcohol please. At the Upwey Senior Citizens hall, book 9752 5838.
Cinema & Events for October/November 2013 Full List:
Spiritual/Alternative Cinema for September 2013, & new Psychic Medium classes:
_ _ _ _ _ Open Stage Music from 6pm, indoor or outdoor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Please arrive 7:30pm for 8pm start.
_ _ _
Spiritual/Alternative Cinema for August 2013, & Alchemy of the Stones evening:
_ _ _
PUBLIC FORUM Saturday 10th August 6pm on these related issues:
_ _ _
Spiritual/Alternative Cinema for July 2013:
. . .

The Template Ceremonies - visit www.thetemplate.org
As you embark upon the first Foundation Ceremony, you are entering upon a journey of healing, forgiveness, remembrance, resurrection and, ultimately, transcendence of the dualistic mortal paradigm. To choose this path is to embrace the Human as a magnificent masterpiece of immortal design, capable of transcending the limitations of duality and able to access any time or energy level in the universe.
The Template Ceremonies extend to the far horizons of Humanity’s divine potential, the potential that lies within the Soul Covenant. This journey is one of liberation and empowerment that takes us into the ancient history of Humanity’s true origins, there to retrieve our soul’s lineage and our celestial seeding: a history that defies the notions of original sin, guilt and shame.

"The rectification of this Human and global predicament cannot be achieved by direct action. You cannot affect the fountain of life by disturbing its waters; you must adjust the fountainhead from which it springs. To fight for freedom is to embody the struggle." A direct quote from THE TEMPLATE Ceremonies text, more Anti-McDonalds protest & action video links below.

Anti-McDonalds, Anti-VCAT update =
NEW! Meditation, Spiritual Study & Discussion group Fridays 7pm =

Naturopath . . . . . . . . . . Hypnotherapy . . . . . . Chinese Medicine . . . . . Yoga School . . . . . . . Remedial Massage
Please see www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for full therapist details.
FREEDOM WRITERS - Magpie House Spiritual Cinema & Discussion =
. . .

Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:30pm True story of "delinquent" children rejected by the education system transforming the world. You will Laugh! You will Cry! Sensational! For Educators & ALL on a "Spiritual" path, a Must See. Truly demonstrates "Experiential One-ness". See the Freedom Writers teacher at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG5bH1tpaAQ By Donation.
KaVeeTa Kosmic Fusion Talk & Demonstration evening Friday 14th June & a VERY SPECIAL Cinema Saturday 15th =
. . .

KaVeeTa Kosmic Fusion Emissionaries from New Zealand Talk & Demonstration Friday 14th June of the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse Zero-Point Healing Source. Please see www.KosmicFusion.com.au
Energetic Removal of the obsolete 3/4-D Grids within the AwaKeNiN session of the "5D+AwakeNiN TrANsForMaTioN" weekend workshop, coming soon to Melbourne. An Experience! for All present on the night. Energy Exchange by donation.
6:30pm Entry (food to share option) for 7:30pm start till 9:30pm (train departs 9:45pm).
Spiritual Cinema for June, Experiential Oneness Advanced Concepts Hatha Yoga Workshop:

Master Sha's Power of Soul Meditation & Chanting group =
Every Tuesday 8 till 9:30pm, plus Light Supper.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Food-Swap-Buy-Meet Last Saturday Every Month.
WiFi Dangers, see video at www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org =

WiFi Dangers & Deformed Animals =

SMART METER AGENDA Event for May 2013 =
Why have 90,000 Victorians refused a Smart Meter installation?
Magpie House Cinema with a team for Panel Discussion, present =

Bookings Advised, Limited Space! 11th May.
A related issue for our children, from www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org , FIND OUT WHAT THESE FIGURES MEAN at the Panel Discussion, FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN, & OF OURSELVES!
*** Click Here to Book & Pre-Pay Events *** No Booking Fee! ***
And for Mobile Phone users (all of us?), see why a telecommunications safety expert demolished 9 towers in Sydney due to the inaction of Telstra & government agencies, watch video at ProtesterDestroys9MobilePhoneTowers .
Example of Taking Back our Power =
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, Two Minutes
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, One Minute
Like a cancer, the wireless proliferation will continue to grow & smother us in random microwave radiation, unless we take action NOW to reverse the trend.
On-Going Campaigns =

March Against McDonald's in Tecoma video March 2013 = Click Here! Also see http://www.burgeroff.org/
2012: Crossing Over, A New Beginning Movie, now with over 700,000 views, click for a free viewing!
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, Two Minutes
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, One Minute
Chemtrails over Upwey Two Minutes
Chemtrails over Canberra Incredible! A few minutes.
Another Chemtrail over Upwey! Two Minutes
AUSTRALIANS AGAINST CHEMTRAILS PROTEST Meetup Group Sunday 20th January 2013 =
Truth-Seekers-Melbourne-Meetup-Event _ Click here
Awareness at last grows of this diabolical military/government agenda. Here's a recent 21st Dec 2012 chemtrail, directly over Upwey =
Filthy Chemtrail Over Upwey Dec 2012 _ Click here
Please open your eyes, & support!
Beyond Me, Beyond Belief & Beyond Reason Cinema =
Screening 18th & 25th May 2013, Saturdays 7:30pm.

Radical New Physics, the Primer Fields part 1 & 2 =
Screening at Magpie House Cinema 27th April & 4th May 2013, Saturdays 7:30pm.
Awesome Events for May 2013 =
Why have 90,000 Victorians refused a Smart Meter installation?
Magpie House Cinema with a team for Panel Discussion, present =

Bookings Advised, Limited Space! 11th May _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Workshop Deferred till June, welcoming bookings.
*** Click Here to Book & Pre-Pay Events *** No Booking Fee! ***
A related issue for our children, from www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org , FIND OUT WHAT THESE FIGURES MEAN at the Panel Discussion, FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN, & OF OURSELVES!

And for Mobile Phone users (all of us?), see why a telecommunications safety expert demolished 9 towers in Sydney due to the inaction of Telstra & government agencies, watch video at ProtesterDestroys9MobilePhoneTowers .
Example of Taking Back our Power =
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, Two Minutes
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, One Minute
Like a cancer, the wireless proliferation will continue to grow & smother us in random microwave radiation, unless we take action NOW to reverse the trend.
Master Sha's Power of Soul Meditation & Chanting group =
Every Tuesday 8 till 9:30pm, plus Light Supper.

Exciting New Events for March-April 2013! Large Posters Further Below =
*** Click Here to Book & Pre-Pay Events *** No Booking Fee! *** Cody Concert just $20 booked here, else $30 at door.

MAGPIE HOUSE THERAPISTS:........ * Click Here Full Details *
"The Practitioners of this Centre embrace the intention of not seeking to heal nor change anyone but to empower them to heal or change themselves by encouraging exploration of their own inner divine infinite wisdom."

Naturopath....Remedial Massage.....Chinese Medicine.....Yoga School.....Hypnotherapy.....Counselling
$10 Lucia Talk 22nd March, $10 Melchizedek Talks 21st (Burwood) & 24th (Upwey) March =

THRIVE SOLUTIONS Group Melbourne Launches Sunday 17th March 2013, Click Here for detailed info & to register =

- Plus Very Special Native American Concert & Talk April 2013. $20 booked here, else $30 door.

On-Going Campaigns =
March Against McDonald's in Tecoma video March 2013 = Click Here! Also see http://www.burgeroff.org/
2012: Crossing Over, A New Beginning Movie, now with over 700,000 views, click for a free viewing!
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part A Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, Two Minutes
Smart Meter Intimidation Tactics Part B Sp-Ausnet Melbourne Feb 2013a, One Minute
Chemtrails over Upwey Two Minutes
Chemtrails over Canberra Incredible! A few minutes.
Another Chemtrail over Upwey! Two Minutes
Past Events Feb 2013 (Inna Segal Books/CDs/Cards for sale) =

Inna Segal ~ biography ~
* Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the best-selling award winning author of The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health & Wellness and The Secret Language of Color Cards.
* An internationally recognized healer, Inna is also a professional speaker, author, and television host. Inna’s clients include doctors, CEOs, health-care professionals, actors, and sports personalities.
* Inna is a gifted healer and a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness. She can “see” illness and blocks in a person’s body by intuitive means; explain what is occurring, and guide people through self-healing processes.
* When Inna was a teenager she suffered from severe back pain, which continued to deteriorate, despite visits to doctors, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals. By her early twenties, Inna’s pain was so intense that for weeks she was barely able to walk.
* In an incredible twist of fate, Inna, while meditating, discovered an unusual way of communicating with her body. By tuning into her back and releasing all the pain and negative emotions, she was able to heal herself.
* Inna Segal travels worldwide leading Visionary Intuitive Healing® programs. She has dedicated herself to assisting others in their journey of self-healing and empowerment. Her practical healing techniques, healing frequency, Internet presence, and radio and television appearances are changing the lives of millions of people all around the world.
* Inna is also the creator of over 35 audio programs. For further insight on Inna Segal and Visionary Intuitive Healing® please visit www.InnaSegal.com
Every Tuesday 8pm Meditation & Chanting, plus Drunvalo Events, see www.drunvalo.net =

Mysteries of Damanhur Tour March 2013, Voted the Most Evolved Community on the Planet! =

Lucia Light returns, send email gneo@yogaplex.com.au or call 03 9752 5838 to book =

I must say that I have had a profound healing with Lucia. A few nights after my last Lucia session, I woke up in the astral and healed a situation that has been a torment to me for 22 years. A heart-felt thank you for bringing Lucia to Magpie House. - Glenda
Thank you Magpie House for the opportunity to experience the Lucia Lucid Light. I really appreciate seeing, the Flower of Life, I laughed with joyful tears when I first saw it, pulsating with all its glorious colours. Two nights after I "awoke" in the middle of the night in a state of deep meditation. I lay there with the sensation of having no skull what so ever. - Vida

Summary of Events Feb-Apr 2013 (subject to revision, check web) =

AUSTRALIANS AGAINST CHEMTRAILS PROTEST Meetup Group Sunday 20th January 2013 =
Truth-Seekers-Melbourne-Meetup-Event _ Click here
Awareness at last grows of this diabolical military/government agenda. Here's a recent 21st Dec 2012 chemtrail, directly over Upwey =
Filthy Chemtrail Over Upwey Dec 2012 _ Click here
Please open your eyes, & support!
Event Posters Early Feb 2013 =

* HOME *
Yoga, Dance, Pilates, Meditation, Naturopathy, Hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression, Traditional Chinese & Biological Energetic Medicine, Spiritual+Ecological+Nutritional Cinema & more!
MAGPIE - symbol of yin-yang, harmony & balance, the union of two opposites that are equal - of occult knowledge & the correct use of its teachings. The Magpie, as a member of the Crow family, is a doorkeeper to new & other realms, allowing only those who understand the balance of the Universal laws & teachings to venture through.
* HOME *
* CLICK HERE for Yogaplex Yoga School + Yoga Teacher Training Melbourne *
* Power Ashtanga Hot Yoga Classes with Iyengar Yoga Precision Melbourne Victoria Australia *
* Gentle Yoga Therapy to Advanced, Beginners+Pre/Post Natal Welcome, plus Yoga Retreats *
_ PREVIEW VIDEOS (timetable & more videos at http://www.yogaplex.com.au ) =
_ _
Basic Warrior Dance All Levels _ _ _ _ _ _ Handstand Salute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Backbend Drop Back
_ _ ( ** Double Speed ** )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fierce concentration _ _ _ _ _ _ Intensity of Physical/Mental Stability
* Past Wholistic Cinema Events
* Other Past Events (psychic, workshops, etc) * Magpie House Mission Statement
* Magpie House Photos/Graphics & Magpie Cafe
* HOME *
Magpie Cafe, Here to Stay,
Revives a Link to Yesterday,
Good old-fashioned service with smile,
Open all day every day, won't take a while.

MAGPIE as BALANCE "Magpie" happens to be the perfect name for this centre, chosen for us 100 years ago as the original Magpie Cafe & Guesthouse "country tourist" destination, according to the publication Animal Dreaming - The Kingdom of the Winged Ones:
Magpie is the common name for several black & white feathered members of the Crow family.
Magpie is the yin yang of the Bird World - the winged teacher of the necessary & desirable balance between right & wrong, light & dark, good & bad, the feminine & the masculine, birth & death - the two opposites that are equal - of occult knowledge & the correct use of its teachings. The Magpie, as a member of the Crow family, is a doorkeeper to new & other realms, allowing only those who understand the balance of the Universal laws & teachings to venture through.
Magpie can help us to find the balance within - the union of the two opposites that are equal. Magpies are by nature, very intelligent & determined birds, trying over & over again until they master a new skill that they know will reward them with a new & ready food source, freedom or adventure.
Willingness, therefore, is also a strong Dreaming gift of the Magpie, who is always keen to encourage others to explore new & different aspects of life & themselves.
Koa Walking Softly DVDs Now Available.......................................Last Saturday every month

More Magical Passes & their effects.
Summary of Events Feb-Mar 2013 (subject to revision, check web) =
AUSTRALIANS AGAINST CHEMTRAILS PROTEST Meetup Group Sunday 20th January 2013 =
Truth-Seekers-Melbourne-Meetup-Event _ Click here
Awareness at last grows of this diabolical military/government agenda. Here's a recent 21st Dec 2012 chemtrail, directly over Upwey =
Filthy Chemtrail Over Upwey Dec 2012 _ Click here
Please open your eyes, & support!
Event Posters Early Feb 2013 =
Mysteries of Damanhur Tour March 2013 =

Mayan End-of-Time Aquarian Age Music/Food to Share Gathering 6pm Friday 21st December 2012 =
Kosmic Evolution Live Webcast 7pm & One World Love Meditation 8pm.
Live Streaming ET Contact Celebration 12.21.12 with http://siriusfilmcommunity.org .
Readings from The Ascension Papers - The 2012 Singularity Event.
Finally, we have David Icke's REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE Wembley Arena London event video, you could watch all 10 hours if you wish, all day into Saturday 22nd December 2012!
_ _ _ Saturday 8th December Cinema = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saturday 15th December Workshop 2-6pm =

I SEE WORLD PEACE "Peace begins with Me" Sat'day 8th Dec 2012. Core of the Intenders Circle teachings, Visualize is the Art of Making & Manifesting your Intentions. If you could change the world, would you?
SUMMARISED TERM 4 2012 TIMETABLE (posters below) =
(Cinemas Sat'day evenings with discussion at Magpie House or larger venue, usually By Donation, some 6pm Food to Share).
13 October Cinema HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE + THE GOD WITHIN Science & Consciousness
20 October Cinema SECRET of NIKOLA TESLA
27 October Cinema WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? 6pm Food to Share.
3 November Cinema GENETIC ROULETTE - Gamble of Genetic Crops.
3 November Solutions Summit Melb Uni 9am - 7pm see http://www.thesolutionssummit.info/
10 November Cinema TRANCE-FORMATION - Nightmares of Civil Obediance, not Dis-obediance!
11 November SYNCRETISM & the Perennial Philosophy AstroTheology part 2 talk Sunday 11am - 6pm
16-21 November Mysteries of Damanhur Tour see http://www.mysteriesofdamanhur.com/
17 November Cinema PROPAGANDA from North Korea - we'd rather not look?
18 November Lucia Lucid Light Experience Talk Sunday 7-9pm Talk $10 Magpie House.
22 November Lucia Lucid Light Experience Talk Thursday 7-9pm Talk $10 Unity of Melb Burwood.
23 November Acidity & Alkalinity Relationship to Disease talk Friday 7pm with Dr Faye Stone.
24 November Cinema COAL SEAM GAS MINING - Poisoning the Artesian Basin.
25 November Lucia Learn to Read your Akashic Records Workshop Sundays 9am-6pm 25 Nov & 2nd December.
30 November Into the Collective Soul Friday 7pm talk, $20 donation.
1 December Into the Collective Soul Sat'day 2-6pm Workshop, $85 bookings advised.
1 December Cinema 2012: CROSSING OVER - Astonishing Revelations of Our Time. 6pm Food to Share evening.
8 December Cinema I SEE WORLD PEACE DVD - Manifesting World Intentions.
15 December Cinema CHEECH & TOMMY CHONG - Hypocracies of Establishment.
_ _ _ Lucia Talks 7pm Sun 18th Nov & Thu 22nd in Burwood.
_ _ _ Booking Private sessions & Workshop NOW = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2012 CROSSING OVER 1st Dec Cinema =

Messages from 2012: Crossing Over - A New Beginning =
"The New World of Love is Coming."
"We are at that time of the Great Transition."
"We have to go along with the Change, as opposed to fearing & resist it."
Magpie House Cinema screening 1st December 2012, a phenomenal movie in a phenomenal time. Please Book Ahead & join our panel of stars & producer/director to support our local film-makers in this World Premiere event. Trailer = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOcNqDHkBvc . 6pm Food & Music to share evening.
See http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/ & http://www.yogaplex.com.au/ for the Very Best in Body, Mind, Spirit, & Yoga. Please see attached recently published essays of the Great Transition & suggestions on how to Thrive instead of merely Survive.
THIS week, Why in the World Are They Spraying? this Sat'day from 6pm, bring food & music to share, free dvds for you to distribute. Please support , & do read the attached WHY? material.
THIS is OUR MOST IMPORTANT NEWSLETTER EVER, leading up to the so-called End of Time (not the Hollywood End of the World distortion), please read through in order to perceive the message. SUCH AS, from DISAPPEARANCE of the UNIVERSE (a major text for our Tuesdays 8pm study group), "In the 20th Century money became more important than people. In the 21st Century, money will become more important the laws....big money will put itself in a position of total authority." So, as the "spiritual elite", do we ignore the plight of our brothers & sisters, perhaps billions of people by simply "blissing out"? Do we really expect a technological "free energy" device will solve our problems, or an ET race coming to "rescue" us, or an enormous cataclysm to simply wipe the slate clean (too many say Bring It On!)? No, my friends, it's our Own Spirituality that will rescue us, THAT's why I don't apologise for showing a balance of dark & light, for the Dark represents what we've collectively chosen so far, & ONLY by LOOKING & EMBRACING it AS OUR OWN CREATION can we heal & forgive these agendas. NOT FIGHTING IT, AS THIS ONLY FEEDS IT MORE ENERGY!
Other major events include =
* Santos Bonacci's SYNCRETISM unifies ALL faiths 28th October Upwey.
* the THRIVE Solutions Summit, 3rd November at Melbourne Uni.
* MYSTERIES of DAMANHUR tour 16th - 21st Nov various locations (deferred till 2013?).
* Dr Faye Stone's Acidity & Alkalinity Relationship to Disease talk Fri 23rd Nov.
* Batsheva Dor's COLLECTIVE SOUL workshop 1st Dec Magpie House.
* More 5th Dimensional workshops (please register interest).
* & finally the LUCIA LUCID LIGHT EXPERIENCE that neuro-stimulates our pineal gland to super-consciousness without substances nor side effects, opening our Akashic Records, the Library of the Soul, in Upwey & Burwood 18th Nov - 2nd Dec.
On-going agenda = How would you feel if you could no longer tolerate living in your own home? If you don't want a Smart Meter installed, & they tell you it's mandatory & they'll cut off your power with additional costs, ASK THEM TO QUOTE YOU, IN WRITING, THE "mandatory" LEGISLATION. More incredible information further below.
Dark agendas for now, but Cinema transforms to Crossing Over & I See World Peace & finally a light-hearted Cheech & Chong look at the hypocracies of our society so that we don't take it all so damn seriously.
Why show-case dark agendas? There is PURPOSE & PERFECTION to these - "When you have truly been to where there is NO love & found your way back - you really, really will know what Love is."
AND - "If there is such a thing as Evil, then it is an opportunity to learn about Love." Both from The Ascension Papers 2009, another of our major texts for our Tuesdays 8pm Meditation & Study group if you'd like to join.
Mysteries of Damanhur Tour Melb 16th - 21st Nov 2012, see http://www.mysteriesofdamanhur.com/ (now deferred to 2013?).
Yes, McDonalds in Tecoma is a naturally emotive issue right now in our Hills, but is barely the tip of the iceberg on how we've been deceived, enslaved, suppressed & even murdered for a very, very long time - it's time to say ENOUGH, we need to WAKE UP to this control.
The coming month featuring Chemtrails (this Saturday), the gamble of Genetic Crops, nightmares of civil obediance & propaganda, & the total disregard of environmental devastation with Coal-Seam Gas Mining now sweeping across states. We've already show-cased Green Wedge destruction & Smart Meter intrusion (the exponential increase in mobile/wireless mirrors an exponential epidemic of headaches, insomnia, lethargy, so, are they related? Yes, according to credible sources, see links below).
WHAT WE TRULY LOOK AT, DISAPPEARS. If enough of us can do this, then we can step aside, rather than fight against (which only feeds more fuel to the fire), in order to inheret the glorious future awaiting us. Remember This = "Thoughts create reality. If you create something you don't like, don't give it a second thought." Friendship with God.
It's not OUT THERE that needs to be fixed, it's IN HERE. IGNORANCE is no longer BLISS, it's time to take Personal Responsibility for our collective nightmarish illusory creations.
If you HAVEN'T noticed the rapid acceleration of Consciousness & Technology, RIGHT ON TIME according to decoded Mayan Prophecy information, your are asleep & THIS IS NO TIME TO BE ASLEEP. This is NOT a time to "Wait & See", it is a time to CHOOSE between Spirit & Matter Consciousness, & we are advised to release ALL of our fears, opinions, views, perceptions & judgements. These may be based on "Reality" but not based on "Truth", there is a vast difference. We need Truth, but our minds are occupied with Reality, & illusions of Reality tend towards nightmares as they are not based on Truth. Does THIS explain TRUTH for you? =
"Finally, I've grasped the Truth!" "Careful, you mean YOUR truth, right? The Truth does not exist as an objective reality." Home with God.
NEW & Growing! Men's Group: Answers from the Heart = Wednesdays 7:30pm in Upwey Township Hall (behind Magpie House opposite skate park). Please call Mike 0423 341 038 or Bernard 0466 012 976 for details, starts NOW!
SAVE the GLENFERN RD GREEN WEDGE talk now on YouTube =
SMART METER FORUM also on YouTube =
Smart Meters & EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time
with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt http://takebackyourpower.net/our-videos/
The VERY BEST information, including strategy to overcome electro-sensitivity. PLEASE JOIN our growing support group.
Legislation refers to "best endeavour" not "customer mandatory" in 14.1a of = http://www.gazette.vic.gov.au/gazette/Gazettes2007/GG2007S200.pdf#page=16 . But you'll still need to lock-up the meter box else they'll do it anyway, mine has padlocks & slotted windows so they can still read the meter. An exponential rise of ill effects correspond to the exponential rise in use of wireless technology that simply didn't exist some years ago.
EVENTS OCTOBER 2012, Nov/Dec preview further below:
Yogaplex Term 4 begins Tuesday 9th October 6:30pm, $150 for 10 weeks, or just $200 twice per week. Highly experienced & caring Hatha Yoga, for ALL levels, beginners welcome. 7 classes per week in Upwey! Timetable below & at www.yogaplex.com.au.
Also Tuesday 9th October Guided Meditation + study group 7:30pm entry is "The Heart is the Path through All illusions". Every week, book 9752 5838, by donation.
Cinema Saturday 13th October 7:30pm: HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE (Physics/Metaphysics Classic) + THE GOD WITHIN (Quantum Physics & Consciousness). By donation, discussion follows. Also New! Open Stage/Open Mic every Saturday in the Magpie House Garden from 6pm, potential to grow into summer months with byo refreshments & byo friends to boost numbers (no alcohol please!). Please register for Open Stage performance.
Sunday 14th October 1 to 5pm Santos Bonacci presents SYNCRETISM & the Perennial Philosophy. Philosophies framed in linear time are the ones that generate suffering, Santos shares another fascinating lecture to reclaim our personal dominion.
NEW! Men's Group: Answers from the Heart = Wednesdays 7:30pm in Upwey Township Hall (behind Magpie House opposite skate park). Please call Mike 0423 341 038 or Bernard 0466 012 976 for details, starts NOW!

Cinema Saturday 20th October 7:30pm: SECRET of NIKOLA TESLA, rare film of Tesla's encounters with Edison, Westinghouse & JP Morgan in one of the most pivotal periods in modern history. By donation, discussion follows.
Saturday 27th October 6pm bring food to share & Live Music, with Cinema 7:45pm WHY in the WORLD are they SPRAYING? FREE DVDs to spread the word of this uncontrolled experiment of our climate & health, please support. By donation, discussion follows.

Term 4 Cinema till 15th December 2012, with 22nd December potential! =
13 October Cinema HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE + THE GOD WITHIN Science & Consciousness
20 October Cinema SECRET of NIKOLA TESLA
3 November Cinema GENETIC ROULETTE - Gamble of Genetic Crops.
10 November Cinema TRANCE-FORMATION - Nightmares of Civil Obediance, not Dis-obediance!
17 November Cinema PROPAGANDA from North Korea - we'd rather not look?
24 November Cinema COAL SEAM GAS MINING - Poisoning the Artesian Basin.
1 December Cinema 2012: CROSSING OVER - Astonishing Revelations of Our Time.
8 December Cinema I SEE WORLD PEACE DVD - Manifesting World Intentions.
15 December Cinema CHEECH & TOMMY CHONG - Hypocracies of Establishment.
22 December Cinema ???
SAVE the GLENFERN RD GREEN WEDGE talk now on YouTube =
SMART METER FORUM also on YouTube =
Smart Meters & EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time
with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt http://takebackyourpower.net/our-videos/
The VERY BEST information, including strategy to overcome electro-sensitivity. PLEASE JOIN our growing support group.
EVENTS SUMMARY JULY-SEPTEMBER 2012, details further below: (Singing Meditation Friday 21st September):

Events Coming Soon:

Magpie House Events Full Details July-September 2012
Magpie House welcomes all views with freedom of expression, no matter how diverse, reflected in the events below, but remains neutral & non-sectarian. This is now the great challenge of the Human Race, to allow Unity in Diversity, to discard all beliefs, views & opinions to allow the Greater Reality to come through. Remember =
ALL Reality is based on judgements & division, Now is the No-Time to end In-Divi-Duality (I Divide Duality) & welcome an era of harmony & oneness for One, & for All.
YOGAPLEX YOGA SCHOOL 10-week term till Sat 22nd Sept 2012, JOIN ANYTIME! $150 or very special $200 twice per week, or ask for first class half-price trial. Also private sessions or special term circumstances arranged, highly comprehensive & experienced, all levels gentle to advanced Iyengar & Ashtanga styles. Book 9752 5838 or email reply. Meditation+Study course Tuesdays 8pm, essential in-sights (inner vision) & in-spirit-ations, bridging conscious-subconscious realms. Knowledge+Experience unique to Yogaplex (why are Both essential for Wisdom?).
See http://www.yogaplex.com.au/ for testimonials & more.
Sat 1st September Magpie House Cinema OIL, SMOKE & MIRRORS 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering & discussion forum. Abstract view of Peak Oil. Highly controversial, where is truth & where is illusion?
Sat 8th September Magpie House Cinema AMERICA BEFORE COLOMBUS 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering & discussion forum. Conquest & colonization of a rich, diverse human population structure. "Those who have money, make the rules." 500 years ago, two very different forms of agriculture separated by continents, one Livestock-based devastating land & inland waters, the other Land-based allowing space, wilderness & animals to roam free. Both continents had around 100 million people but the latter was essentially de-populated & totally transformed in a startling story of invasion, colonization & deadly disease.
Fri 14th September Talk 7-9pm cost $20: Crop Circles, Miracles and the Spiritual Mission of UFO's: a Power Point presentation. by Ben Hannah. "Crop Circles are the most controversial mystery of our time." What Are They? What Is Their Purpose? Why Are UFO's Involved? Why Are Miracles On The Increase? Our future awaits us now ... This presentation takes an in-depth look at the Crop Circle phenomenon, and associated mysteries and other miracles. They are related, and are leading to an event unparalleled in human history.
Sat 15th September Magpie House Cinema JOURNEY of MAN - a Genetic Odyssey 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering & discussion forum. A portal into our genetic past, the failures & triumphs of humanoid species.
Sat 22nd September Magpie House Cinema 2012 - SCIENCE or SUPERSTITION? 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering & discussion forum. End of Time, or End of World? Is there an increase in natural disasters in a spiritually starved world, & how much is science?.
RECENT EVENTS July-August 2012:

RECENT WEEKEND EVENTS Friday-Sunday 3rd, 4th, 5th August 2012:

Sat 21st July Magpie House Cinema 2012 - TIME for CHANGE 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering forum of Vision, Passion, & Action. A Quest for a New Paradigm, an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom & gloom. Integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with modern-day science, & as agents of conscious evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Proposes a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche & spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.
Sat 28th July Magpie House Cinema GROWTH BUSTERS 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering forum of Vision, Passion, & Action. We all know that unlimited growth is impossible, Who Are We kidding but Ourselves by this mad, mad idea? Try looking within, for if we do not, we go without. Tags for Growth Busters include Smart growth, Sustainability, overpopulation, economic growth, degrowth, steady state economy, population, population growth, urban growth, consumption, over-consumption, transition & more. See http://growthbusters.bravenewtheaters.com/screening/show/14627 .
Sun 29th July Public Talk ELIXIR of LIFE & Advanced AstroTheology Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 2pm - 6pm. $20 suggested donation, bookings advised. Santos Bonacci presents the Secret of Secrets Elixir of Life - the 12 Cell Salts that achieve perfect homeostasis & how our holy books provide clues & associations on how this perfect balance is achieved based on deep & powerful implementation of advanced astrotheology.
Fri 3rd August BATSHEVA DOR Step into your light body. Becoming Homo Luminous through an initiation of the heart and attuning with Frequencies of Light. Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 7pm. $15 suggested donation. Evolutionary Spiritual Healer, Teacher & Counsellor. Introductory Evening to Multi-Dimensional Healing & Transformation of Body, Mind & Spirit, & Evolution of the Human Race. Features Kabbalistic Numerology, Human Frequency Codes, Dream Interpretations & more.
Sat 4th August Magpie House Cinema The MAYA (illusion) of ETERNAL TIME 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, with indigenous-inspired visionary Drunvalo Melchizadet. Hear first-hand direct prophecies of the Mayan & Hopi Elders for the Window of Time spanning around 2007 to 2015, where new energies for the Sentient Earth & Light Being Evolution of humans is coming through. Long Count cycles of 5,200 & 26,000 years corresponding to astrological sign precession, ancient knowledge & culture spanning these times & beyond. Merging of ancient & modern is essential for both to endure, we need each other now more than ever.
Sun 5th August Public Talk ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE & FREQUENCY MEDICINE Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 2pm - 5pm. $20 suggested donation, bookings advised. Specialist Dr Faye Stone combines Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic principles & Kabbalistic patterns, connecting to the chakras first and then higher frequency points to connect with the soul. Evolving to higher levels of consciousness and connecting to the soul brings about a new state of wellness. Question & Answer session follows. See Dr Stone at http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for consultations.
Fri 10th August Public Talk PREPARING for the 5th DIMENSION Introduction Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 7-9:30pm. $10 donation, bookings advised. Introductory session to unique workshop where the presenter is sharing the communications by ET's on a step-by-step approach to guide you to experience change and transformation towards becoming 5th Dimensional human beings. Please see full workshop details for Friday to Sunday 17th to 19th August 2012.

Sat 11th August Magpie House Cinema DRAIN the OCEAN dvd 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering forum of Vision, Passion, & Action. Landscapes of the Ocean revealed normally covered by miles of water, pitch black beyond a few hundred metres. Dispels many myths about so-called sinking continents of advanced civilizations in recent geological time. We also examine the Expanding Earth theory with a fantastic video of all the land masses joined together & drifting apart.
Sun 12th August Public Talk SOUL PURPOSE & ANGELIC REALMS Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 2pm - 5pm. $20 suggested donation, bookings advised. Clinical hypnotherapist Nino Borsari has some fascinating news about how the Angel kingdom will help us through the transitional period of the next 18 months and beyond into the next few decades. Messages have been received through deeply hypnotised clients from very senior spirit Elders to help us prepare and pass through these exciting times. Case histories will be discussed and some recordings will be played to further explore the evolution of the soul with hordes of angels only too willing to help us through, when we look within & simply ask. Question & Answer session follows. See Nino at http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/Therapist.htm for consultations.
Fri-Sat-Sun 17th to 19th August PREPARING for the 5th DIMENSION. $100, $80 concession, $180 for couples. Bookings limited & essential. # This is a unique workshop where the presenter is sharing the communications by ET's on a step-by-step approach to guide you to experience change and transformation towards becoming 5th Dimensional human beings.
# The Earth changes and pole shifts are a wake up call for people to rejuvenate their powers and knowledge within them.
# For those who want to change and prepare for the transition, this workshop is where you will experience the changes taking place within yourself.
# The workshop will guide you how to transform your old negative thought patterns, overcome past traumas, experience whole body consciousness, change your cellular structure, release blockages and rebuild your whole being to raise your vibrations and consciousness.
# The workshop will be held from Friday 17th August, 7 pm to 9.30 pm, Saturday 18th from 1 pm to 7 pm and Sunday 19th from 9 am to 5 pm. It is essential that participants attend all three sessions.
# The cost for the workshop is $100 per person, $80 for concession cardholders and pensioners and $180 for a couple.
# There is a maximum of twelve people for this workshop so book early to avoid disappointment.
Sat 18th August Magpie House Cinema The BILLY MEIER Story 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering forum of Vision, Passion, & Action. Startling answers in this remarkable true-life story of a young swiss boy's meetings with extra terrestials leading him to to meet many famous world leaders as a messenger for an advanced race of beings. Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, people are asleep, we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for mankind.
Wed 22nd August Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge Forum 6:45-9:30pm voluntary donation towards managing & purchasing more wedge land. "Taking the Green Out of Green Wedges: Melbourne's Disappearing Natural Environment". Talk by Dr Johanna Selleck, President of the Friends of the Glenfern Green Wedge. Enquiries president@fggw.org .
Fri 24th August SINGING MEDITATION Yogaplex Yoga School Magpie House 7pm - 9(ish). $15 suggested donation. A way for experiential unification of all cultures. Interfaith and non sectarian meditation practice to open the heart and connect with the higher self/ divine. Songs from Sufi, Jewish, Native American, Christian, earth-based, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan & other traditions. No singing or musical experience necessary, bring open mind, open heart & musical instruments / percussion, chord charts provided. Contact: Jess on 0468 315 943 or email info@thesingingyogini.com.au & see http://www.yogaplex.com.au/ . Every 3rd Friday of month (4th this time).

Sat 25th August Magpie House Cinema The DAY BEFORE DISCLOSURE 7:30 for 8pm start. By Donation, communal gathering & discussion forum. Will the children of tomorrow look back at radical theories such as the earth is not flat, or how scientists laughed at the idea of flying machines, or how the world openly ignored an intelligent, benevolent extraterrestial presence? What if the hundreds of thousands of reports of extraterrestial spacecraft or encounters with alien beings happened to be true? What if our governments knew of et presence & even possessed advanced technologies that had the potential to radically change how our world is run, & they chose to keep the public in the dark? These, & more, are examined through numerous interviews of high-level personnel finally choosing Disclosure rather than suppression as a mandate for mankind.
Wed 29th August Soul Masters Film & Divine Healing Hands Event 6:45-9:30pm By Donation. Soul Leader, Master Healer & Divine Channel documentary on a remarkable clinic dealing with "incurable" patients with a high success rate. And a free Divine Healing Hands session for pain, chronic concerns, mental issues, emotions, relationships, anger, anxiety, depression, stress & more are dealt with. Bookings call Master Trevor on 0439 009 330 , see http://www.powerofsoulinstitute.com.au/ .
FREQUENCY MEDICINE Public Talk with Dr Faye Stone:

MAYAN PROPHECY Cinema Events May - July 2012:




Vedic Lectures 18th May & 1st June: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CINEMA 19th May 2012:

CIRCLING in UPWEY Sunday 27th May 1-5pm:

Circling rests on the gentle and safe philosophies of Carl Rogers, Fritz and Laura Perls and Martin Buber but what happens in the Circle is unique. All you need to bring with you is a simple curiosity and a desire to be present in the here and now - what happens next has to be experienced!
Imagine having the attention of everyone in the room and that everyone is with you, curious about how the world is for you, accepting of you and your experience - not judging or trying to ‘fix’ you - of being understood, validated - seen!. Sounds simple? It is. And it satisfies our oldest and deepest longing. The space is safely held by Ged, a Gestalt therapist with 15 years experience and Damian, Bachelor of Social Science - Psychology.
Circling in Upwey Magpie House Wholistic Centre, 48 Main St, Upwey Sunday 27th May 1- 5pm For a four hour experiential workshop Fees: $50/35 concession For more information call Ged - 0421525042 or Damian - 0419311727 Email transformationoz@hotmail.com Web site: www.transformationaltherapy.com.au
Recent previous events are below, these will be transferred to Past Events soon! Namaste, George
Damanhur in Australia Tour April 2012 Special Events, New Blueprint for Humanity:
Book OnLine at www.DamanhurAustralianTour.com *** or call 1300 916 798 , also see www.TheVeritasMagazine.com ***
see www.damanhur.org & www.thetemples.org
. . . . . . . . MELBOURNE events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BYRON BAY events . . . . . . . . .



Visions of Utopia Cinema & Events March 2012: . . . . (Pyramid Code Trailer =)
The most successful Eco-Communities worldwide!

Sat 3rd Mar Magpie House Cinema THE PYRAMID CODE 7:30 for 8pm start. $10 donation. Source of the Holy Science from ancient Egypt & beyond - Rejects modern history of 6000 years & re-establishes a 26,000 year repeated chronology of human cycles. Highly recommended by Astro-Theology local Santos Bonacci, see http://universaltruthschool.com/.
Sat 10th Mar Magpie House Cinema A NEW WE 7:30 for 8pm start. $10 donation. Ecological Communities & Eco-Villages in Europe (Damanhur Italy, Tamera Portugal, Krishna Valley Hungary, more....). Every once in a while, a film comes along that can transform the way we live. A New We is such a film! See http://www.NewWe.info.
Sat 17th Mar Magpie House Cinema VISIONS of UTOPIA part 1 7:30 for 8pm start. $10 donation. Overviews 2500 years of shared living, what works & what doesn't. Part 2 screens Sat 31st Mar showing Co-operatives, Co-housing, extended family development, & more.
Skilled Permaculturist Alanna Moore & Peter Cowman of Living Architecture:
(Scheduled for 24th-25th Mar 2012, please register your interest):

Sense of Place Full Program 24th-25th March 2012:
Saturday March 24th 7.30pm $10 ‘Sense of Place’ Talk presented by Alanna & Peter
Skilled Permaculturist Alanna & Earth Garden’s "Living in Fowl Times" chook lady, & Peter of Living Architecture & Eco-Building on a Shoestring. Discover the subtle qualities of landscapes and buildings, & ways to explore intangible realms, the Spirit of Place. Like Feng Shui, the art of divining environmental energies is within our sensory perceptions, & anyone can participate. Workshops follow Sunday. Enquiries 03 9005 5833 http://www.LivingArchitecture.com & http://www.geomantica.com .
Sunday March 25th 10am-1pm ‘Divining Earth Spirit’ Workshop with Alanna, Australia’s foremost Geomancer.
Experience Earth Spirit. Learn how to engage deeply with Nature. Divine the subtle dimensions of life & place. The Earth is alive! and we can connect to her lifeforce and nature’s invisible realms with simple techniques developed from the ancient art of dowsing. Also known as divining, the exploration of environmental energies covers a wide spectrum these days, looking at aspects ranging from nature spirits to technological radiation stresses, as much as the ‘ley lines’ (Earth currents) that effect health and wellbeing. Learn simple, easy techniques of pendulum dowsing. Discover the problem of geopathic stress and how to do remedial Earth acupuncture, and much more! $40/Couples$60/Concession$35
Sunday 10am - 1pm ‘Architecture & The Meaning of Life’ workshop with Peter.
Exploring the connections between people, places, their lives and their homes. Bring along plans or photos of your house on the day! $40/Couples$60/Concession$35
Sunday 2-5pm Field Trip with Alanna (for advanced students)to local places of interest
Discover and connect with the local spirits of place! First, we’ll decide on interesting places to visit (by car pooling) in the vicinity, then discover by dowsing any significant features at them, as well as practice Earth healing techniques, where needed. $30/Couples$50.
Sunday 2-5pm Eco-Building On A Shoestring Seminar with Peter
$40/Couples$60/Concession$35. The Why, How & What If? Plus….Emotional, Territorial+Gender Stuff; Heart & Soul issues; Costs, Materials, Construction+Planning+More! Enquiries 03 9005 5833 or see http://www.livingarchitecturecentre.com
Peter Cowman BArch., Director Living Architecture Centre
Web: http://livingarchitecturecentre.com Skype: sheltermaker
03 9005 5833 Australia . . . . 076 602 6046 Ireland . . . . 020 3287 2949 UK

A crash course in present-day UFO realities: . . . . Mind-Blowing Trailer --->
This Saturday 25th February Cinema = UFOs ETs Abductees & Brilliant Minds. 800 UFO Experts and Contactees (abductees) from all over the world met for 10 days and nights, recording the most fascinating UFO stories imaginable. Stunning Crop Circle libraries & amazing UFO Photo Archives. From award-winning filmmaker Patty Greer (http://www.pattygreer.com/wp/) . Co-hosted with Athol Park, UFO abductee & Murrindal Co-operative (Buchan) founder, sharing a lifelong history of abduction & memories aboard a UFO spacecraft. Don't miss out!

Magpie House Cinema February & March 2012:

2012 season of sensational Body, Mind & Spirit events with Magpie House & Yogaplex - term begins this week, the most comprehensive & experienced Hatha Yoga serving Yarra Ranges & Knox.
If you can read through this single email, including our Transformation Indicators below, you will have a significant appreciation of what 2012 & our suppressed ET space brothers represent, & where humanity is heading.
Cinema & Event Highlights =
* UFO / ET / Crop Circle Cinema & guest speaker focus in February.
* Eco-Villages & Visions of Utopia Cinema focus in March.
* Sense of Place workshops with Earth Garden's Alanna Moore & Living Architecture founder Peter Cowman 24-25th March.
* Damanhur Spiritual Eco-Community Australian Tour - A New Blueprint for Humanity - April 2012.
Our first 2012 Cinema Saturday 4th February = TRANSFORMATION of EARTH's HUMANs with Mark Kimmel & The Institute of Light. ET & Celestial Messages on Soul Growth & One-ness within the context of Duality AT LAST coming to an end.
The Magpie House view is these highly-benevolent beings, our space brothers, will assist us through the transition into a Golden Age as Light Beings, a quantum leap of evolution for humans that follows a galactic-plane cycle of around 26,000 years - open to those choosing Love instead of Control & Domination, they will NOT interfere with this ultimate choice.
Do not assume it happens all at once, like Hollywood 2012. We've had decades of growth & spectacular recent evolution so far, & it may take decades to make the full transition yet, 21st December 2012 is seen as a "point of no return" for humanity. Earth changes are natural & have always occurred, it may seem that disasters, man-made & natural, are increasing but this is probably due to increased population. Rather than resist change, we can become detached from accelerating chaos as an opportunity to "ascend" or flip to a new frequency or vibration for our own collective good.
2011 is the year we're supposed to "get it" & all that is hidden will be revealed, preparing us for the transformative energies of 2012 - Wisdom Keepers Magpie House cinema June 2010. More indicators listed further below. Term 1 2012 Cinema & Events =
4th February 2012 = TRANSFORMATION of EARTH's HUMANs with Mark Kimmel & The Institute of Light. ET & Celestial Messages on Soul Growth & One-ness within the context of Duality AT LAST coming to an end.
ASTOUNDING UFO/Crop Circle COLLECTION (more! next term) =
11th February = Walt Disney Tomorrow Land UFO Documentary, revived & unseen from 1994. Also The True Story of Flying Saucers 1956 (amazing, forgotten & neglected post-Hiroshama evidence).
18th February = UFO Secret: Alien Contacts - The Best Evidence from Michael Hesemann 1996.
25th February = UFOs ETs Abductees and Brilliant Minds. 800 UFO Experts and Contactees (abductees) from all over the world met for 10 days and nights, including Cynthia, a Hybrid half human/half alien.
3rd March = "The PYRAMID CODE" Source of the Holy Science - Rejects modern history of 6000 years & re-establishes a 26,000 year repeated chronology of human cycles. Highly recommended by Astro-Theology local Santos Bonacci, see http://universaltruthschool.com/.
Heralding the Damanhur Spiritual Eco-Community Australian Tour in April 2012, our very best video collection of thriving communities worldwide. And Australia's very own spiritual eco-community visionaries Peter Cowman & Alanna Moore =
10th March = "A NEW WE" Ecological Communities & Eco-Villages in Europe (Damanhur Italy, Tamera Portugal, ....).
17th March = "VISIONS of UTOPIA Part 1". Overviews 2500 years of shared living, what works & what doesn't.
24th March = 7 for 7:30pm start = 'SENSE of PLACE' Talk presented by Alanna & Peter
We can discover the subtle qualities of landscapes and buildings by developing a sense of place and learning ways to explore the intangible realms, the spirit of place. Not solely the province of feng shui masters, the art of divining environmental energies is a part of our palette of sensory perceptions, and anyone can participate. Sense of Place Workshops follow Sunday.
31st March = "VISIONS of UTOPIA Part 2". Co-operatives, Co-housing, extended family development, & more.
Magpie House takes the view that ALL titles screened over six years are chosen for us & we merely facilitate. The UFO/Crop Circle titles listed below appeared randomly from different sources as if on cue, & included the ASTOUNDING statement from the intensively active 1950s = "We Will Be Back in 2012". So, Why 2012? See website for movie trailers.
Equally astounding is a suppressed 1994 Walt Disney TomorrowLand UFO documentary that was shown only once before it disappeared. We are very fortunate to have this impeccably researched & referenced documentary revealed, obviously "too good" for "authorities" to allow. Co-hosted with Athol Park, UFO abductee & Murrindal Co-operative (Buchan) founder, sharing a lifelong history of abduction & memories aboard a UFO spacecraft.
2012 Transformation Indicators =
* "You will find that the arrival of new awareness will be like a magnetic tide, gathering followers as it flows & eventually sweeping right in." Mind Over Matter from 1983.
* "We know 2012 is a time of great positive transformation, those who think otherwise we just ignore." - Sika Sacred Hoop Concert, Magpie House 2009.
* End of Mayan Calendar, an immense 16.4 billion years, spanning the age of the Universe! - Fatima Bacot, June 2008 Magpie House.
* Solar system passes through Galactic Plane, a 26,000 year half-cycle, major human species evolvement occurs on these half-cycles. - Adeon Asfar of Lightworkers.org Magpie House November 2011, & others.
* The Blue Ones channelings indicate evolvement of Human Being to Light Being this cycle - Magpie House 2010 & 2011. Also, if we make it through December 2012, that is the "point of no return" for Humanity.
* The Blue Ones urge us to establish our intentions for beyond 2012 as it's not for the faint-hearted - Sept 2011 Magpie House.
* The ancient Chinese text I Ching calendar ends in 2012.
* Decoded Egyptian Pyramid Calendar indicates 2012 is the most significant date! David Wilcock 2012: Event Horizon cinema 2010.
* Forget Hollywood 2012 - the Tsunami of Change represents a Tsunami of Consciousness - although there may very well be cleansing on the physical plane.
* Clinical Hypnotheray "verifies" past lives & life between life with tens of thousands of scientifically documented cases of astounding clarity, verifying the Mind Over Matter material at long last. Soul & Planetary Evolution Magpie House presentation July 2011.
* "We Will Be Back in 2012." This ASTONISHING ET-sourced statement from the intensively active UFO period of the 1950s is recorded in a 1994 documentary screening February 2012 at Magpie House.
There are FAR MORE indicators of these transformative times too numerous to mention, including the revelatory texts such as Conversations with God, Mind Over Matter, Ringing Cedars/Anastasia, the Castaneda works kicking off the "new age" from the 1960s to beyond 2000, widespread use of the World Wide Web with freedom on the Internet, financial crashes, & lots more.
The Dark Forces now realise the fatal error of allowing freedom on the Internet - their attempts to now control this is one of desparation, be sure to oppose at Stop internet censorship!
These represent my journey, a roller-coaster business engineering corporate career over decades, years in the courts with a team of barrister/solicitors, contract engineering, exiting this to pursue yoga school, establishing Magpie House & mission to expand awareness, on to Etherion Tablelands Community Land in NSW pursuing "A New Blueprint for Humanity". If you'd like to join us 4th-8th April for Group Meditation, Magical Passes & Yoga, let us know.
Santos Bonacci, Mr AstroTheology presents:

2012 Galactic Consciousness with Adeon Asfar Friday 18th November 2011:

Sense of Place 3rd-4th December 2011:

Sense of Place Full Program:

Intentional Communities Talk Fri 4th Nov:

THE BLUE ONES Channeling Fri 28th Oct:


THE BLUE ONES back in town! Fri 9th Sept: _ _ _ _ So is Gavin, Tantra Yoga specialist:



UPWEY TRIPLE SPECTACULAR Sat'day 10th September 2011:
Kosmic Evolution concert CANCELLED due to low ticket sales.
They are keen to get to Melbourne some other time.

* www.grassrootsmarket.com.au * . . . . . * www.reverbnation.com/kosmicevolution * . . . . . * www.lightworkers.org *
A new revolution of Sacred Music with Kosmic Evolution! Modern dynamic psychedelic music in a complete package of talent & awakening, a Sign of the Times manifesting a Golden Age. See, feel & hear the vibration pulsing through the multi-dimensional Living Matrix of your cells to the surrounding energy field, a Natural High rather than substance induced experience of One-ness with Everything. See details www.magpiehouse.com.au 10th September 2011 in Upwey, Melbourne's far east. Last Upwey trains 10:45 & 11:13pm. Just one Melbourne concert, don't miss out!


Detailed Posters are below.
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_ _ _ Limited Tickets Book Now, please pass this on!_ _ _ _ _ _
Also same date Upwey Grass Roots Market Under Lights 4-8pm, see http://www.grassrootsmarket.com.au.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _*** WATCH THIS VIDEO! *** _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Sunday Mornings Ashtanga Vinyasa Classes & Workshops.
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Live Sacred Music, Mind Expanding Pictographs & the Latest in Spiritual-Scientific Discoveries. A New 'Medicine of Light' & 'Consciousness Expansion'. Evolve! Connect! Experience!
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Profound Insights, In Person.
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One for July...Very Special Presentation!
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Profound Insights, In Person.
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Two Major Events In Person.
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May 2011 Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Workshops
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Phenomenal 5 hour seminar not to be missed!
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Blue Ones channeling at Nexus group Carnegie Cozmic Warehouse.
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Ayurveda Fire Cleansing & Healing 8th April.
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Saturday April 9 1-6pm Get Clucky!
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Art Exhibition now on, call Roz 0413 839 677
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Sika Sacred Music Concert Friday 5th June 2009. First-hand messages from indigenous tribes, including Hopis.
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NEW MOON CELEBRATION Saturday 27th May 7:30-10pm. Set goals, make wishes, lay foundations, Come & Celebrate! Learn to use the powerful astrological timing cycles of the New Moon to Manifest the Dreams of your Heart. Just as the new moon is fruitful for starting material ventures, it is also a potent time for Making Wishes that stimulate New Beginnings in our lives. The theme for this month's GEMINI NEW MOON is "The Answer Lies Within". Experience & Communicate this special energy through the mediums of Dance, Meditation, Breath & Visualisation, Stillness, Writing, Colour & Sound. Please bring blanket & pillow. $20/$15 includes light refreshments. Bookings Maxine 5968 5153 or Belinda 5968 8144 or healingmoves@exemail.com.au.
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** PRACTITIONERS & telephone nrs **
** George Neo............ 9752 5838 ** Yoga, Pilates, Metaphysics, Intenders Circle, Cinema.
** Christine Neo......... 9752 5838 ** Vegie Cafe & Intuitive Naturopath.
** Maxine Gardner...... 5968 5153 ** Tai Chi Monday 6:30pm, Chi Kung Wed 1pm
** Jarek Czechowicz..... 9754 8741 ** Peace Music Concerts www.jarekc.com
** Don Wood...............9878 6594 ** Body Work remedial/deep tissue/relax Massage, Bowen, sports injuries
** Michelle Fentiman...0437 353 889 ** Transcendental Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy
** Jama....................... 9752 5838 ** Reiki 1, 2 & Master Weekend Workshops.
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | ||
6:30am | === | === | === | General / Dynamic Yoga | === | |||
8:30am | === | === | === | === | === | Dynamic Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & more | ||
10:00am | === | === | === | General+Pre/Post-Natal Yoga | === | |||
10:30am | === | === | === | === | === | Gentle/Yoga Therapy for ALL ailments | ||
1:00pm | === | === | Chi Kung - Maxine | === | === | === | ||
2:00pm | === | Gentle/Yoga Therapy for ALL ailments | === | Gentle/Yoga Therapy for ALL ailments | === | |||
4:00pm | === | Yoga for Youth (+ behaving adults) | === | Yoga for Everyone | === | |||
6:00pm | === | Pilates with Katharyn | Singing & Sound Healing - Ngame | Pilates with Katharyn | === | Live Music (usually 1st/3rd Saturdays) | ||
6:30pm | Tai Chi - Maxine | === | === | === | === | === | ||
7:00pm | === | Yoga-Pilates core-strength yoga-wise | === | Yoga General class | Weekly Intenders Circle | Wholistic Cinema 1st/3rd Saturdays | ||
8:00pm | Capoiera Brazil Martial Art | === | === | === | === | === | ||
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Wednesday 7:15 & 8:30pm Yoga at Rowville Community Centre = General
** The Streetwise event below is to be re-scheduled. **
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*** Next Conversations the Game Friday 7th September 7:30pm ***
More retreats are scheduled, please contact centre.